Arrange kde windows

Dear all,
I am thinking of buying a 26 inches monitor and I was wondering if there are in kde few shortcuts for automatically arranging windows in such a big screen.
In ideal case it would be nice if there is a button that can put the windows in different layouts so to choose which one is closest in what you need.

Is there something like that implemented in kde?


Not as far as I know but if you place all the windows where you want them in a particular activity and then log out, KDE should (but may not) restore them when you log in.

Have a look at: ‘System Settings > Shortcuts and Gestures > Global Keyboard Shortcuts > KDE component: KWin’
This pretty much lists all the things you can set shortcuts for.

Also: ‘System Settings > Window Behaviour > Window Behaviour > Advanced > Tiling’

The keyboard shortcut to enable/disable tiling is: Alt+Shift+F11
The keyboard shortcut to activate the Next Layout: Meta+PgDown

(At least these are the shortcuts for me.) And that gives you a little bit of what you are asking for.

Thanks a lot… I enabled it and changed the tile… I am getting these lovely messsages layout changed to float , Spiral … etc

but I can not clearly understand what are these about…

Could you please help me?

They are different tiling layouts. Although Floating looks suspiciously like what you have when no tiling is enabled. The difference between Columns and Spiral can probably only be seen if you have a lot of windows.

I don’t use tiling myself, so I know little about it. I just know it is there and that it offers some possibilities.