Ark Troubles

I’m new to Linux and recently installed 11.0 /w KDE 4.1 and noticed this problem right away. In Dolphin I would right click an archive select Ark from Open With its window would pop up but it would not extract any files. But I also have another option in the right click menue “File Roller” it works so I have been using it.

Hey everybody! there’s a fix for this in YAST! Kmenu>Adminstrator Settings (YAST)> Software Management>Search type in extract.
Look for KDE4-ExtractAndCompress set to install click Accept. Once in it’ll put extract & compress archives(tarballs & zip files) in the KDE4’s context menu.

Well spotted Sagemta.
I had been using RAR GUI from 4.1 community repo (for .rar files)
And using kde3 file manager in kde4 to manage other archives easily with right click.

Good to have helped I hope this helps others!

Does any one of you tried file-roller.
Works better than all with more compression formats.
Just install it from repo.
And when opening a zip or rar file, just right click on it and select open with and there select file roller. You can extract easily everything and very fast.

Hope this helps.

I’m fairly sure this is a Gnome app, so No, I haven’t tried it. But thanks for mentioning it mmarif4u.

I face the same problem with Ark,thats why i install file-roller.and it work better than others.
yeh,its gnome app.I used it when was using gnome desktop on opensuse.

Yeah, I don’t like gtk apps mixing with qt apps. That’s why I’ve shied away from file-roller. Might as well use Ark for KDE 3 for now.

In, they’re saying that a lot of the Ark bugs have been fixed in trunk. Just have to wait until the opensuse packages pick it up.

With opensuse packages KDE 4.1.1 release 40.1, Ark has been FIXED!
I can finally get rid of winrar.