¿Are NVIDIA GPUs slower than AMD iGPUs for encoding?

So, i made some tests on Kdenlive rendering a 13 minutes, 47 seconds video on 1920x1080 60fps profile. I’ve used default profiles for NVENC H265 ABR, NVENC H264 VBR, AMD VAAPI and Software x264 to benchmark. NVENC AV1 was giving “Codec not supported” so i skipped this one. But they all almost tied with the same times, where AMD iGPU was the winner, and even worst to count that rendering CPU had almost no time difference to rendering on the GPUs.

Here are the results:

¿Is NVIDIA really a bit slower than AMD integrated graphics to render videos, or is it a Linux driver issue or something i’m doing wrong?
I’ve checked nvtop and the profiles are actually using the respective GPUs. GPU usages itself doesn’t go beyond 2% while rendering, but encoding meter goes between 9% to 32%.

I’m using open-source AMD graphics driver and proprietary NVIDIA driver (550.90.07). These are my specs:

$ neofetch
              _aaaymQQmwaaa,                 joseskvolpe@ProtoFOX 
          ,wWQQQD????????$QQQQa,.            -------------------- 
       _wQQB?"              ??QQQa,          OS: openSUSE Tumbleweed-Slowroll x86_64 
     sQQD^                      ?QQ6\        Host: Nitro AN515-47 V1.14 
    yWW'                          4QQg       Kernel: 6.9.7-1-default 
  ,QQD          .aaaaaaaa          ^4Q6      Uptime: 5 hours, 13 mins 
 ,mQP        _wWQW?????YWWQa,        4Qm     Packages: 3653 (rpm), 53 (flatpak) 
 jQ@        wWW?'        ^4QQc       ^$QL    Shell: bash 5.2.26 
,QQ'       jWW'            )QW\       ]QQ    Resolution: 1920x1080 
|QQ       ,QW'              ]QQ       ^QQ|   DE: Plasma 6.0.5 
|QQ       |QQ               ]QQ        QQ|   WM: kwin 
|QQ        4Qg              ]QQ       .QQ|   Theme: [Plasma], X-Vulpus-DarkRed [GTK2/3] 
'QQ6       '$WQac.         _QQ(       jQQ    Icons: [Plasma], Vulpinity [GTK2/3] 
 ]QQw        "?QWQQf      _mQP       ,QQ(    Terminal: yakuake 
  4QQga                  wQQP       ,mQ?     CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7535HS with Radeon Graphics (12) @ 4.603GHz 
   4QQQga,            saQWP'       jQQf      GPU: AMD ATI Radeon 680M 
    ?QQQQQQwaaaaaaaayWWW?'       _mQ@'       GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Mobile 
      ?WQQQP?9VWUV???^        _amQP^         Memory: 9981MiB / 15171MiB 
        "4QQQaa,          ,awQQQ?^

Searching for “Radeon 680M” and “RTX 3050 4GB” on this site gives two numbers that are largely the same so that matches your observation.

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Radeon 680M Ryzen 7 7735HS (Not exactly the same but it’s the nearest one) got 6166 and GeForce RTX 3050 4GB Laptop GPU got 6792. That’s almost a tie, which is surprisingly strange since NVIDIA got much better results at 3D performance in my tests. But still, NVIDIA has higher score here, so that still doesn’t makes much sense for the AMD iGPU to be a little better in the elapsed time.

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