Applications always direct to online help, but I want offline help

Hello, everyone.

Perhaps this is a silly question, but I only know the GNU/Linux environment at a user level. I am not yet familiar with its internals.

So, when running the openSUSE leap 42.1 installer on my machine, I forgot to install the “Documentation” pattern, so I installed it afterwards, but now graphical applications always redirect to online documentation! Is there any way to reconfigure my system such that applications direct me to offline documentation and manuals? I don’t always have internet access.

I am using XFCE.

Thanks in advance!

I haven’t checked recently and particularly for KDE (so others may jump in and correct me) but I’d been under the impression that Desktop documentation hasn’t been directed to online or offline by anything related to how installed or User selection. In other words, if documentation is pointing to online sources, that’s just the way it is only because of how the Project decided it should work and would be that way no matter what you do.

But, when you install offline documentation you do have offline documentation located on your machine.
To identify the installed documentation files, inspect the contents of the package the usual way

rpm -ql *packagename*

More often than not, documentation files from packages will be located in a subdirectory of


You can now use whatever “viewer” app to read the contents of any file… which could be a text editor, web browser, ebook reader or whatever else is suitable.


I don’t see KDE mentioned anywhere here.
Actually the only thing mentioned is that LXDE is used as desktop.

So which applications is this about?
This indeed depends the application in question.

Generally speaking:
For KDE applications, you can install and run khelpcenter5 to view the manuals offline, GNOME has a similar tool called yelp.
No idea whether LXDE itself has something similar.

Also, there’s the (open)SUSE specific susehelp which should show all available documentation (to some degree…), but I don’t know whether that supports LXDE. But you can try to install and run that too.

True, reading the OP again, I don’t see where I thought the Desktop was KDE.

But, it’s also not LXDE, it’s XFCE…

Although if installed correctly (I see this is still 42.1 which is more or less clear and wouldn’t be on 42.2), then the LXDE pattern should install the XFCE subsystems… which means I’d expect how and where the documentation exists would be the same for these 2 Desktops, and then I’d be more certain about what I posted above (although I’d now say by partial accident).


Replace LXDE with XFCE everywhere in my previous post then, the rest can stay as it is.