Application Launcher not working after system updates


Could someone please help, I have searched the net but can’t seem to find answer for this issue. I am using Opensuse 11.4 with KDE Version 4.7.1 and kernel on an Acer TravelMate 4200.

I updated my system yesterday and since that update the default Application Launcher for KDE is not working, when you click on the launch icon you get the “Kickoff Application launcher” balloon dialog but nothing else happens. A sort of a work around for this issue is that I have found when the application launcher is switched to Classic Menu Style then the classic menu works without any problems. I would however like to use the default launcher and not the classic one as it has so much more functionality and is easier to use and navigate. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


See this thread:
Konqueror crashing on internet

Not sure what I was meant to be seeing on that link, it seems a guy was having issues with konqueror. My problem is the app launcher that is not launching. any help would be appreciated.

This might not help. But it won’t hurt, and is worth trying.

Logout from KDE.

Use CTRL-ALT-F1 to get a virtual terminal. Login there as yourself.

cd /var/tmp
rm -rf kdecache-yourloginname   ### change to the appropriate name

You can now use CTRL-ALT-F7 to get back to the GUI login screen. Then login and see if that has helped.

All that does is remove cached information that speeds up login. The cached info is rebuilt at the next login.

If it happens that the cached info became corrupted with the update to the new KDE version, then this should fix it.

I have not upgraded KDE on my 11.4 system. I am testing 12.1 on another partition, and KDE 4.7.1 is doing fine there. But then I gave it a fresh start, and did not try to carry over configuration settings from 4.6.0.

It is one of several threads here started by someone with a broken KDE after trying to update to 4.7.1 before the repositories were stable. It was possible, but not straightforward. During yesterday the KDE:/Releas:/47/openSUSE_11.4 repository gained a working set of packages enabling a successful update to KDE-4.7.1. If you had read though that thread you might have tried using “zypper dup --from KDE:/Releas:/47/openSUSE_11.4” to if that fixed your problem.