On Saturday 27 December 2008 00:30, Rikishi 42 wrote:
>> Does anyone know of a application I can use under 10.3 to change the
>> name of large numbers of files in one go. I know that there are a huge
>> number of such apps for windows so I was wondering if there were any
>> good ones for linux.
> I’ve been messing with a Python script I wrote, but I’d have to dig it
> out and tidy it up.
Update: I dug out the stuff I had, and rebuilt a first working script.
Still a bit of a mess, but it renames 15 images per sec. That puts the
treatment of your 14.000 images at about 15:30 min, on my machine.
Now, I prefer to work on a copy, for obvious reasons.
I also like to move the renamed files to an output dir. That means my
script can stop (or fail) and be restarted at any time, without renaming
a file twice. It also means files that can’t be handled stay in their
What I did:
- I made a linked copy of the originals:
cp -vrl originals/* work_source/
- The dir “work_source/” is searched for any file containing Exif tags.
A date/time stamp is added before the original name.
The result is moved to “work_output/”, under the original subdirs.
- Files that are not renamed, stay in “work_source/”.
So a file:
You could even imagine regrouping all 14000 pictures in 1 dir, using the
script to rename them, before sorting them in a dir per day.
I have to clean this up a bit, as the script only converts 1 file. That
means running it it with a find. I’d rather Python did all the work,
might speed things up a bit.
If this is something you’d like to try, I’ll finish cleaning it up this
WE. Otherwise, it’ll be much later (as my pictures are very well filed,
of course. (not
There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying.
The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
Douglas Adams