Apollon for gift (p2p)

Looking for apollon for a gift gui I only found at kde-apps a kde3 version of this app. As gift seems to be a good choice but without gui does someone know if there is any gui for it? Is apollon still working today in KDE4? Why can’t I find any package for openSUSE?

Thanks in advance.

giFT was last updated in 2004. Now I expect most people using a Bittorrent client or aMule. Or MLDonkey if they want a multiprotocol thing.

The giFT related packages are a totally Packman thing. They provided also the Apollon package (PackMan :: Package details for apollon), but I suppose it stopped compiling with new versions and nobody really cared.

Anyway, you can ask to the packager. Just click on the “Packager” in the previous link.

Ok thanks. I’ll check it out :wink: