Apache2 & mod_mono


I’m just encountering problems with the mod_mono framework for Apache2. There seem to be permissionproblems, however I can’t tell where or why.
Basically if I run asp applications with Apache, I always get the following errormessage:

Server Error in '/' Application

Description: HTTP 403. Error processing request.

Stack Trace:

System.Web.HttpException: Forbidden
  at System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler.ProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContext context) [0x00000] 
  at System.Web.HttpApplication+<Pipeline>c__Iterator2.MoveNext () [0x00000] 
  at System.Web.HttpApplication.Tick () [0x00000] 

This message does not depend on the requested file - it will also come up although the file does not exist.

On the other hand, the stand-alone xsp runs fine - my installation itself is not broken.

I’m using Apache 2 (shipped with Suse 11.1) and the latest Mono 2.2 RPMs by Novell. The mod_mono.conf is loaded successfully as well als the mod-mono-server2:

<IfModule !mod_mono.c>
LoadModule mono_module /usr/lib64/apache2/mod_mono.so

AddType application/x-asp-net .aspx
AddType application/x-asp-net .asmx
AddType application/x-asp-net .ashx
AddType application/x-asp-net .asax
AddType application/x-asp-net .ascx
AddType application/x-asp-net .soap
AddType application/x-asp-net .rem
AddType application/x-asp-net .axd
AddType application/x-asp-net .cs
AddType application/x-asp-net .vb
AddType application/x-asp-net .master
AddType application/x-asp-net .sitemap
AddType application/x-asp-net .resources
AddType application/x-asp-net .skin
AddType application/x-asp-net .browser
AddType application/x-asp-net .webinfo
AddType application/x-asp-net .resx
AddType application/x-asp-net .licx
AddType application/x-asp-net .csproj
AddType application/x-asp-net .vbproj
AddType application/x-asp-net .config
AddType application/x-asp-net .Config
AddType application/x-asp-net .dll
DirectoryIndex index.aspx
DirectoryIndex Default.aspx
DirectoryIndex default.aspx


I read the related articles on go-mono. If I add the lines to register applications manually, the mod-mono-server wont come up any more.

Any Ideas?


Ok, forget about it…Seems as if I didn’t understand the way asp.net works. I tried to point the browser directly to the *.dll generated by Monodevelop. >:(