Apache doesn't work

I installed apache2, started the process (In yast, levels execution) It’s active. But I don’t know how to continue to make it works.

When I type http://localhot/ on my browser, error 403 is displayed. Says that the maybe the directory is protected from reading or the requierd documentation doesn’t exist.

I will be thnkfull if somebody helps me

http://localhost is the right one.

Also try sudo apache2ctl start

By default, directory indexing is disabled in apache on OpenSUSE. Write a HTML page in /srv/www/htdocs/index.html (you will need to be root to do this) and go to http://localhost/index.html and you will see your web page.

I had so much trouble with Apache (because I’m a real noob at it) that I had to write down some reference tips for myself. They might help, although they do need to be revised: HowTo: Configure an Apache Web Server on openSUSE

I meant http://localhost/ instead of localhot. (It was only a mtter of bad typing).


**apache2ctl start ** displays the following message:

*httpd2: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for linux-jyho
httpd2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
httpd (pid 3572) already running


/srv/www/htpdocs already has an index.html file, whose content is:

<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>

swerdina I’l see yours tips then I tell you the results

Thanks all for the feedback !! :D:D:D

httpd2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

This means you don’t have a line in /etc/hosts like this: localhost.localdomain localhost

Thanks ken_yap!

It works!

I’m very happy now!


Issue closed.

Hi… I am using Suse 11

rcapache2 start
rcapache2 status (is checked command)

this command working my machine…

thanks all comments…

It should be http://localhost you missed as s
