This has been a crazy, I’m trying to get Visual studio code to work. I keep getting this message:
No installed .NET SDK was found on the computer. If it is installed, make sure it can be found through the PATH environment variable. C# Dev Kit does not work without a supported version of SDK. After installing the SDK, you need restart the VS Code session, or the computer.
I’ve in the dotnet like hundred times. I’ve tried installing VS code on Fedora, Ubuntu, Manajaro . Nothing has worked. I’ve tried everything MS has suggested but Vs Code won’t recognized SDK that I’ve installed thru the command line. Has anyone had similar issue? what is the work around? I’m about to go back to windows if I can’t figure this out.
Welcome to the forums. As the message says, you need to install .NET SDK but, as far as I can see from, the only version available is for SUSE Enterprise 12 which is ten years old. Though MS says that it is Linux compatible, my guess is that they have never taken the trouble to keep up with the pace of Linux releases.
A friend commented that vscode is ‘what cool kids use’ but I suspect that those who use it either use Windows or a Windows virtual machine on their Linux computers.
@itsthicc Hi Use the;
wget -O
chmod +x ./
./ --help
I have always installed VS Code via snap.
It is available for Leap 15 from Microsoft: Install .NET on openSUSE - .NET | Microsoft Learn. It may work for Tumbleweed, too.
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great news! I got it to work in tumbleweed.
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