Anyone else use pekwm?

I was getting quite into it a while back, but ran into some problems. I still love xmonad, but for some tasks it’s just a little bit too minimal. I’ve just started running pekwm again, and have discovered that either it’s improved, or some of the things that seemed like bugs were perhaps in fact features - the curse of the non-intuitive but powerful window manager.*

So what is pekwm? It’s very similar to openbox and fluxbox. However, fluxbox hasn’t been developed since computers ran on steam, and openbox refuses to adopt the useful features of fluxbox (ie tabs), no matter how many times people tell them they find them useful. Pekwm doesn’t suffer these problems.

It has ridiculously easy to read and very powerful configuration files, and it is small, efficient and stable.

I like it because it has a few behaviours which are just plain clever. Click the left mouse button at the edge of the screen to change workspace. Click the middle or right mouse buttons at the edge of the screen to bring up the frames and root menu respectively, even if you have something running full-screen. Clicking a window’s titlebar raises it - clicking in the window doesn’t. This makes it very easy to transcribe from one window to another - you can manipulate the bottom one without having to worry about setting the top one to ‘always on top’. Meta4 left click on a window to lower it, alt right click and drag to resize. And perhaps funkiest of all is the ‘fill’ function, which grows a window, in either or both dimensions, until it hits an edge. So create a window, taking up part of the screen. Create a new window, place it within the unoccupied part, and double click the titlebar, and it will fill the vacant part exactly. It’s a bit like tiling without the actual tiling; clever, and actually very useful.

Anyway, so runs my advert for pekwm. I realise there aren’t too many lightweight WM advocates using SUSE, but just wondering whether there is anyone out there also using this, that has found any magic tricks… And if anyone is yet to try it, and has a fondness for the *boxes, I would highly recommend giving it a few hours - and a perfunctory glance at the instructions… :wink:

  • Which isn’t to say it doesn’t have bugs - it certainly does. But if you run it, and it seems pretty well fundamentally broken, you might realise if you’re prepared to stick with it for a few hours that many of the things that seem like problems are in fact intended behaviours.