Any way to get pygtkcompat

Hi All

I tinker with an open source ERP solution called Tryton, I have recently migrated onto OpenSuse but am getting errors running the GTK client due to a missing dependency called ‘pygtkcompat’ which I believe is supplied by pygobject.

Googling has led me to understand that this dependency was dropped in OpenSuse but is still available in other distributions.

Is there anyway of getting this dependency? or any ideas?



Hi and welcome to the Forum :slight_smile:
A forum user is the Maintainer of the Tryton series… (DocB) which release of Tryton are you working with (4.2, 4.6 or 5.0)?

Seems 5.0 is built for Leap 15.2:
Ref: <Welcome - openSUSE Build Service;

As Malcolm already asked, on which version do you plan to work?
The best approach would be if upstream gets rid of this obsolete module, which was dropped 2013 already. That is not too hard, as the GNU Health Client has shown (I haven tried, but it should work with a plain Tryton 5.0 installation). But this will not happen anymore for the 5.0 series.
Next stable release 6.0 is due around May. It is planned to package this for openSUSE.
If you cant wait until then, feel free to branch 5.0 and upgrade it to the current 5.8 series

Thank you both for your replies, appreciate it.

Its version 5.8.2 I believe, downloaded through pip.

I will have a look at your suggestion, failing that I will wait to see what version 6 brings :slight_smile:



You can still user version 5.0 :wink: but I understand.
Let us know how it goes. pygtkcompat should have been removed in version 5.2