any way to ammend an osc commit?

Sorry if this question is trivial, but I searched the web and also visited the osc man page, but could not find anything.

Is there any equivalent to “git commit --amend” in osc?

As a starter, I often make small mistakes in my commits and require a couple of steps to solve them. So I end up with multiple commits that really should be one. Any way to do it (either at commit time or later on, like “git rebase -i”).

Any advise is appreciated.

On Wed 29 Aug 2018 08:56:02 AM CDT, rgerhards wrote:

Sorry if this question is trivial, but I searched the web and also
visited the osc man page, but could not find anything.

Is there any equivalent to “git commit --amend” in osc?

As a starter, I often make small mistakes in my commits and require a
couple of steps to solve them. So I end up with multiple commits that
really should be one. Any way to do it (either at commit time or later
on, like “git rebase -i”).

Any advise is appreciated.

Not really sure what you mean, you can revert to a previous version on

Are you not building locally first? Then once happy check in to your
OBS project…

Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
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Believe the @OP is asking if it’s possible to summarize or reset (which is what a git rebase does) the changes enumeration.

I don’t know that a “summarizing” is normally done in a version control system (maybe someone can enlighten me that does exist), I’d assume that such summaries might be embedded in comments or merge descriptions and simply continue to exist as a historical branch which might be more easily identified in a graphical representation of the branches history.

A rebase is generally something to avoid since it would effectively destroy history and start over at the specified point.

git --amend is something I think was introduced relatively recently (last few years at most?) that as describes allows the User to modify a change rather than create a new change. I haven’t used it, not because I never need to do so but because I try really hard at times to look ahead before doing my commits (although my openSUSE wiki articles are a great example of my not following what I say… I sometimes do plenty of experimenting without rolling back which means plenty of changes can/should be omitted if I wanted a neat history).