Any way to access iTunes Store under Linux?

i want to access the iTunes Store under Linux
i have installed Hackintosh (iAtkos v7 aka Mac OS X Leopard), but I don’t have driver for the Ethernet card and WLAN card :frowning: (any other thinks works like a charm)
any other way, what i can do??

and don’t tell me to use Windows, it’s … (to hard to say, i won’t be blocked from a moderator rotfl!)

On 07/11/2011 04:06 PM, SoftHacker wrote:
> i want to access the iTunes Store under Linux … what i can do??

just go to <> and download the Linux
client!! easy peasy!!

but, if you have trouble finding it, ask iTunes support where it is!!
they are here <>

ps: good luck!


omg :open_mouth:
i never knew that there is a linux client lol!
muchas gracias (thank you)

I think DD is being sarcastic. Unless iTunes runs under Wine now, you won’t find Linux support. Something to check out is the Amazon store for MP3 downloads. There’s plenty of support for this, including Banshee and Pymazon.

On 07/11/2011 05:36 PM, SoftHacker wrote:

> i never knew that there is a linux client lol!
> muchas gracias (thank you)

eres bienvenido, but suddenly i have the feeling you are gonna be mad at me.


You can try using Wine (I haven’t tried it in a couple of years).: WineHQ - iTunes
You can definitely run it in a Windows Virtualbox.

itunes won’t run under linux, not the setup that contains msi installer packages, wine has problems with msi packages. my theory
and i don’t have an pre-installed version of itunes

and i HATE mp3, toooooooooo bad sound >:(>:(>:(
aac (advanced audio coding) is much better, but the best is to purchase vinyls and cds, or super-audio-cds

yeah, but i want also buy some songs from iTunes, because some songs are not available for purchase, only for download (a bad thing, except digital downloads would be in LPCM Codec or better)

There’s 20 minutes of my life I won’t get back.

On 07/16/2011 04:06 AM, Prexy wrote:
> There’s 20 minutes of my life I won’t get back.

since Apple is a company already well known for not embracing openness
or encouraging the use of non-Apple manufactured or softwared appliances
within their environment, i didn’t think i needed to add lots of these
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: to alert the astute to the
improbability of Apple providing a Linux iTunes client…

but, maybe i was wrong.

openSUSE®, the BMW® of operating systems!

One of the principal reasons I read the forums is to find out about new developments that I otherwise missed. On April 1st, I would have picked it up. :sarcastic:

On 07/16/2011 05:36 PM, Prexy wrote:
> On April 1st, I would have picked it up. :sarcastic:

good point! if i do it again i’ll try to remember to add something like:

This post should be dated April 1st :sarcastic: (which means, there is
no reason to ask Dell, HP, Apple, Cannon, ASUS, Acer or etc if they
provide Linux drivers for their hardware advertised as requiring
certain non-Linux operating systems, etc…)

openSUSE®, the BMW® of operating systems!