any good bi-directional syncronization tool (like unison)?


I need a good bi-directional sync. tool like unison, that would work properly over ssh and allow manual decisions and merging if both sides (local&remote) contain changes. unison meets most of my needs, the only drawback is the compatibility - it needs to be installed on both sides, and with the same version. Nowadays it’s a bit of a problem, if you have say OS11.3 on one node, SL3 on the other and a MacOS on the third. In my view one only needs the ssh connection, all the rest of the file analysis should be done by the local software. Anyone knows such a tool?


  • dich,

if you can involve a server, I recommend iFolder:
Works over standard HTTP ports, so you normally don’t have to worry if ssh is allowed.


I also think that iFolder is a good option in general, but you might consider that there’s hardly any inexpensive system out there that would support merging changes when differnent changes are made by multiple clients simultaneously.

For that reason, you might consider a CMS (Content Management System) which supports versioning. Although merging is not usually a default feature in the systems I’ve supported, versioning means that multiple Users can make changes and when saved a new version is created (even keeping a friendly filename) so changes aren’t lost. You can then make decisions later on what changes to accept or deny before committing to your Final Repository.

There are zillions of CMS options to fit every need and budget…


I’d prefer point-to-point interaction, and changes would be performed usually by one, max two persons, so a fully-fledged CMS with complete versioning etc is a bit of an overdo.