Annoying Desktop

Hello, My desktop doesn’t completely show up on the monitor. I tried different resolutions but no difference. What I mean is I have to move the pointer up to see all of the top or down to see all of the taskbar. Is there some kind of setting to just keep a full desktop and no mouseing around? Thanks.

That should not happen. You could have a problem with your video card driver. What monitor are you using and what video card? You may need to set a custom resolution and mode line or change driver.

well, sorry…i can’t remember what it is called or how to
change/control it…but there is a setting somewhere that allows
you to have a desktop which is larger than your screen…and, to
see all that desktop you have to move your mouse “past” the edge of
the screen, and as you do you will see the rest of the desktop…

apparently some folks like it…to me it is also
annoying…hopefully someone who knows how to switch it will come

ah, i guess YOU switched it on somehow, because it is not the default!

my advice would be to NOT just and do a reinstall…give the folks
here time to find and answer your Q?

see caveat:
DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

DenverD wrote:
> well, sorry…i can’t remember what it is called or how to
> change/control it…but there is a setting somewhere that allows
> you to have a desktop which is larger than your screen…and, to
> see all that desktop you have to move your mouse “past” the edge of
> the screen, and as you do you will see the rest of the desktop…
> ah, i guess YOU switched it on somehow, because it is not the default!
> my advice would be to NOT just and do a reinstall…give the folks
> here time to find and answer your Q?

The effect is called “virtual screen resolution”.

I used to play with it when someone gave me a laptop. Now that I have
a 17" screen, I’ve forgotten exactly how to do it.

If the physical resolution is 1024 x 768, to set the virtual screen
size to 1280 x 1024, edit the default display settings in

Section “Screen”
SubSection “Display”
Virtual “1280x1024”
SubSection “Display”

Anyway, the display settings seem not set right for the original
poster. Use sax2? Not really a help, I know