Annoying audio muckup

After the recent flurry of updates I have lost sound - but only in Flash
players. Kaffeine and Amarok work just fine but I get no audio when
viewing flash content on web pages displayed by Firefox (the video plays in
silence). I’ve tried all the sound debugging stuff I can find with no

Question: where should I be looking for such “flash only” issues and what
info is needed to provide clues for the most helpful readers here?

Will Honea

On a 32-bit openSUSE install, I find I need both flash-player and mplayerplug-in for flash sites. I do not have any 64-bit experience.

oldcpu wrote:

> On a 32-bit openSUSE install, I find I need both flash-player and
> mplayerplug-in for flash sites. I do not have any 64-bit experience.

Turns out I managed to get the 32-bit version with the wrapper installed
somehow. Deleting all the flash stuff and going with the 64-bit test
release did the trick. I could have sworn I had done that already but
Murphy seems to like to visit here lately so who knows?

Will Honea