I noticed my custom adb installed in ~/bin/ has begun to fail with the message “no devices found”. Does someone know what might be happening?
I decided to install android-tools using a communitiy repo as no official repo is avail for 15.3. I’m getting the following error:
File /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/adb
from install of
android-tools-bash-completion-31.0.2-lp153.12.1.noarch (Herbster: Android Tools)
conflicts with file from package
bash-completion-2.7-4.3.1.noarch (@System)
I assume this is because the bash-completion binary has the same name as the one from android-tools. The message goes on to state that the existing file will be overwritten. Am I likely to lose existing bash-completion functionality by proceeding?
I installed into /home/user/platform-tools directory. Setup android phone in “developer” mode. Enabled usb debugging on phone. Connected usb from computer to phone by cable… Commandline commands in a terminal from user install directory (platform-tools) worked fine. I was able to delete the hated “bixby” off of samsung galaxy phone. Followed instructions from xda developers site.
Hope this helps. Basically trivial to do, No root installs and does delete android files.