I opened the ports in the router. But I can’t seem to open them in the firewall
I don’t know what to put for
Source Network (I left this blank)
for destination port I put
4662 TCP Protocol
4665 UDP Protocol
4672 Extended UDP Port
Source port
No, idea what to put here?
Quicken2k wrote:
> I opened the ports in the router. But I can’t seem to open them in the
> firewall
> I don’t know what to put for
> Source Network (I left this blank)
> for destination port I put
> 4662 TCP Protocol
> 4665 UDP Protocol
> 4672 Extended UDP Port
> Source port
> No, idea what to put here?
> Mark
I’m not an Amule user. According to Wikipedia (see:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMule). Amule uses these ports:
4661 outgoing
4662 both incoming and outgoing
4711 Listen
4712 Internal communications
4665 both incoming and outgoing
4672 both incoming and outgoing
You can open the ports with:
YaST > Security and Users > Firewall > Allowed Services > Advanced.
Here you can open the incoming ports, outgoing ports are not blocked. For
testing purposes only you can disable the Firewall to check that other
settings are good. Just enable when you are done testing.
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