Amaya on Suse 12.1

Hi I am trying to install Amaya on Suse 12.1 but I get the message:

Nothing provides needed by amaya_wx-11.3.1-0.i386

I have looked to see if I can find libcrypto by running:

ls -l /usr/lib/*
ls: cannot access /usr/lib/*: No such file or directory

I have looked in:RPM Search but I don’t know which of the listed rpms would be safe to use.

My machine is a 32bit Acer Aspire SA90. So I’m guessing that or
would supply the module I need, but may overwrite something else.

Can anyone advise me please, I am not a linux developer and haven’t used it much?

You do not explain at all how you try to install. You seem to think that here is but one way to install something on an openSUSE (not Suse) system. That is wrong. There are many methods that in the end fill the generic term of “install”.

Thus explain exact and precise how you are trying to install. And when that is not from the openSUSE standard repos, tell where you got it.

Hi Henk, thank you for reponding.

I downloaded Amaya from Amaya Binary Releases to a folder in my home folder.

From the Start menu I took the Computer tab and Install/Remove Software, which gave me Yast2.

In Yast2 - Configuration - Repositories gave me an Add button to add my folder into the list of repositories.

Then View - Repositories gave a list of repositories and I clicked the one I had just added, bringing up the amaya_wx distribution with an empty tick box, which I ticked and I immediately got the message about libcrypto. I took an option not to install rather than break the installation and then researched the web to see if I could find a solution. There appeared to be two:

  1. find a version of libcrypto on my pc and issue some commands to say “hey, use this one”
  2. find an rpm with the correct version on libcrypto and install that.

I couldn’t find libcrypto on my PC but I could find the rpm mentioned above. However the rpm I found appears to have rather more than just libcrypto so I don’t know if it is safe to use in openSuse.

What I am trying to do is move from Windows to Linux, because a friend and I installed openSuse 12.1 on her laptop and I was really impressed. To do that I will need something to maintain the websites I have built using Kompozer on my Windows PC. (KompoZer - downloads)

If I could run Komposer that would be ideal but the Komposer site reports that the current stable release doesn’t work with Linux. The only download for the Beta version (which works fine on my windows pc) is a tar.gz and I haven’t a clue what to do with that. I have found an i586 rpm for the beta for Fedora-Redhat so I have just tried that and I have a shortage of “mozilla-filesystem”. When I search for that I get a confusing set of results which are mostly for various versions of Fedora, so I am not sure how to pursue that avenue because I don’t know which version of Fedora correponds to openSuse 12.1.

I would prefer Kompozer to Amaya.

What can you advise, please?

I do not know Amaya and I can not find an openSUSE ready build on the Build service.

Not every RPM you find on the internet is fit for openSUSE. They are often created for other distributions. The fact that it has unsatisfied dependancies is only one of the problems you can get.

Also installing an RPM does not include making the directory it is in, a repository. YaST is fully capable of installing an RPM as such (but if it makes sense is something different as I outlined above).

The best you could do I guess is wait for another day if somebody who knows what Amaya is and if it can be installed/build (and how) on openSUSE.
Fedora RPMs will normaly not be fit for openSUSE I guess.

You name another product: Kompozer. That can be found with the software search: Search Results and it can thus be installed easyl.

Try this:

kompozer- RPM

Warning: haven’t tried it myself, so no warranties.

WYSIWYG-style HTML editors are an endangered species, I think, at least on Linux. Aptana Studio, based on Eclipse, has worked best for me. Amaya has never impressed me and seems to be no longer developed. Kompozer, if you can get it to work, will meet simple requirements but is light years behind Aptana Studio.

For really heavy lifting, I still use the Adobe stuff on Virtualbox… Can’t see the situation change because so many websites are now based on CMS systems, and once you have some reasonable level of experience with HTML you can probably do simple static pages just as easily with something like Bluefish.

Thank you, Henk.

Wow that was quick!

I think the implication of your reply is that I should make a list of the software that I want to run and then find a version of linux that inherently supports it all (well maybe most!).

My friend justs wants email and browsing and so the ease of implementation on her hp laptop meant openSuse is great for her, but it looks as though I need to do some more research.

Best wishes



this site might help you: Find Open Source Alternatives to commercial software | Open Source Alternative -

Good luck in your transition, after a while you will see that it is worth the effort.
Best wishes

Hi Gunter,

Is Aptana studio wysiwyg? I have had a look at their website and can’t see anything saying it is wysiwyg.

My websites are simple, or I use LightNEasy or Xoops. Komposer has worked well for me, the simple sites work great and with the built in css editor it makes building a template for LightNEasy easy.



No, I don’t think that’s what Henk was suggesting, it wouldn’t really work anyway. The main distros support most Linux software, it’s just that they use different packaging systems and what’s packaged for one won’t usually work with another. Best approach is to pick a distro you like (openSUSE, obviously!) and learn as much as you can about its packaging system, the different ways of installing software (YAST, zypper, etc), and how to find a particular piece of software packaged for the distro. Eventually you’ll become expert enough to install from source…

Not entirely but close enough, ie. you can switch to a built-in browser emulation rather than an external browser window. It’s very good at CSS editing and working on multi-page sites. WYSIWIG doesn’t even work properly on Dreamweaver once you have complicated scripts and style sheets, believe me. The other thing with WYSIWIG is that you need to test how a page looks in the main browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome at the very least), so the fact that it looks good in an internal WYSIWIG windows says nothing about the real world.

On 12/20/2011 02:16 PM, Moonrakre wrote:
> Nothing provides needed by amaya_wx-11.3.1-0.i386
> I have looked in:‘RPM Search’
> ( but I don’t know which of the listed rpms
> would be safe to use.

you do not need to find a different distro which is better suited for
your application mix…

and, you do not need to install an RPM which contains the needed file…

just find the one file named “” and put it into /usr/lib
(or where ever Amaya looks for it) and you should be good to go…

however, there are probably a zillion different version of that
file…so, i one barfs, try another…

read here
<> and
you might find the answer to "Where can i find a “”?

hmmmm…i found an old post of mine <> which
says to look here:

so, go there and i would pick the one for Fedora 10 which matches your
architecture (386, 586, x86_64) then crack it open and pull out the
single file needed and put it where it is needed…

read about that here:

but, read my sig’s caveat before taking any action…

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

:slight_smile: Many Thanks to all who contributed to this thread.

I now have Kompozer 0.8 running on my openSuse. I’m not quite sure what did the trick so I now need to do some reading up on the system to get to understand it.

Some of the links put up are particularly useful e.g and And I also appreciate what gminnerup said about learning about one distro, so having got Kompozer up I plan to stick with openSuse and will now start looking for some of my other favourites to use as further learning exercises in installation.

Consequently you may be seeing more of me on this forum as my brain wraps itself around openSuse.

So, once again, many thanks for the great advice I received in this thread.


You’re very welcome. Always good to see someone new to Linux and happy to learn rather than simply moan about how things are different from Windows!