I just installed SUSE 11.2 (64 bit)
When the computer starts and shuts down it plays the music and I can watch YouTube etc with it and get sound.
When I hit Amarok to play a stream or MP3 there is no sound though it does say that it is playing. It is not muted.
I tried
Settings > Amarok > Playback > Configure and did the following tests.
HDA Intel (ALC889 Analog) and did a test and it played music.
HDA Intel (ACL889 Digital) and did a test and no music
PulseAudio - did a test and got music.
Analog is set as my Prefer.
In the Backend tab Xine is the engine.
A very silly suggestion , … but … well anyway, … please be certain after starting Amarok you check the PCM control in your mixer. It is dynamic and will change when different multimedia apps are started.
I found when I started Amarok the PCM was down low, and I had to turn it up high to get any volume out of Amarok in 11.2.
I had the same problem. I solved it this way: I closed flashplayer, in this case firefox and restarted amarok and i had a sound. Seems to be that only one application a time can handle the sound output every time.