Amarok: no sound

When Amarok test sound, everything is fine, but when I try to play any file or URL, nothing is heard although Amarok shows the file is playing on the sreen.
Are there any idea?
Thank you in advance.

Are you using the Xine engine?

I have the same problem and do have xine installed.

System Settings - Multi-Media -
Audio Output Music
Backend Tab = Xine

I had the same problem and it was the codecs that were not installed. I figured it out because k3b was complaining about mp3 support.

I can’t remember exactly the package name, but I installed the kde4-k3b-blah blah and then everything worked. It’s a lower version than the one installed by default.

I’m not in front of my computer or else I would post more accurate details. I hope it’ll give you some clues.

I also had this problem after updating Amarok. Before the update it worked just fine. I didn’t uninstall anything.

I resolved it by going through the process to install restricted codecs & mp3 support. This worked just fine, and I was surprised because as I said, I hadn’t removed anything before upgrading Amarok to 2.2.1.

Even if you’re sure they’re all installed, go ahead and install your codecs again. That will probably fix it.