amarok lyrics: can they be imported from a local backup?

Does anybody know how to import lyrics in amarok from a local backup?

Here is what happened:
Yesterday a started amarok and saw that the “Local collection” was empty. I tried Tools->Update collection but nothing changed. I tried then Settings->Configure amarok->Collection->Full rescan. The collection was rebuilt perfectly… except for the lyrics. Since I use that computer mostly offline, it’s annoying to start again.
So, I deleted the folder ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok and copied it again from a recent backup. I had both collection and lyrics again.
But, after 2 or 3 minutes, amarok rebuilt by itself the collection, and collection became empty again. Tools->Update collection didn’t change anything. Settings->Configure amarok->Collection->Full rescan rebuilt the collection but without the lyrics.

Is it possible to import lyrics from a local backup? In that case, how can I do that?
Thanks in advance.

Come on, guys! Somebody should know…:wink:


So, I deleted the folder ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok and copied it again from a recent backup. I had both collection and lyrics again.
But, after 2 or 3 minutes, amarok rebuilt by itself the collection, and collection became empty again

That backup is probably made with an older version of AmaroK, hence, the recreation of the DB.

Does anybody know how to import lyrics in amarok from a local backup?

Earlier, with AmaroK 1.x, there was a script which enabled the use of fetching lyrics from a local dir. ‘Lyrcis manager’ was the one I used, there were perhaps others. I haven’t used that feature since then, but had a quick look around within the script manager services and I could not find any equivalent which specifically do this for AmaroK2. But perhaps you might add a local URL into one of the lyrics fetching scripts available and have a go at it that way. ‘Ultimate Lyrics’ seems feature rich and could perhaps do this with some tweaking?

How did you have local lyrics enabled earlier (… referring to your backup)?

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, the whole thing happened after I updated kde from 4.5 to 4.6. I suposse that’s what made amarok rebuild the DB. But if this happens everytime you make an update it’s a bit unconfortable…:frowning:

Earlier, with AmaroK 1.x, there was a script which enabled the use of fetching lyrics from a local dir. ‘Lyrcis manager’ was the one I used, there were perhaps others. I haven’t used that feature since then, but had a quick look around within the script manager services and I could not find any equivalent which specifically do this for AmaroK2. But perhaps you might add a local URL into one of the lyrics fetching scripts available and have a go at it that way. ‘Ultimate Lyrics’ seems feature rich and could perhaps do this with some tweaking?

I’ll try. Thanks for the suggestion. To be sincere, I don’t have much hope of success:\

How did you have local lyrics enabled earlier (… referring to your backup)?

I’m not sure that I understand what you mean.
I had the lyrics in the normal DB. I had also a backup of the whole ~/.kde4/share/apps which I don’t need to use normally. When I saw that I had lost the collection, I simply copied the amarok folder from the backup in place of ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok
Does this answer your question?

I had the lyrics in the normal DB. I had also a backup of the whole ~/.kde4/share/apps which I don’t need to use normally. When I saw that I had lost the collection, I simply copied the amarok folder from the backup in place of ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok
Does this answer your question?

If you do this, you just revert the AmaroK version back to the one you had installed on 4.5. Which may not be working properly with 4.6, I don’t know.

Maybe I have misunderstood you, perhaps you refer to the ‘lyrics applet’ when you state your lyrics has gone missing? If so, you could try to add a new lyrics tablet: Amarok/Manual/AmarokWindow/ContextPane - KDE UserBase
You could also check if the lyrics script, the ‘lyricwiki’ which is (used to be?) installed by default is in ‘enabled’ status and whether it is installed at all: Tools > Script Manager

Good luck in any case with trying to use local lyrics!


If you do this, you just revert the AmaroK version back to the one you had installed on 4.5. Which may not be working properly with 4.6, I don’t know.

I’m sorry I misread, this is of course wrong!

Maybe I have misunderstood you, perhaps you refer to the ‘lyrics applet’ when you state your lyrics has gone missing?

No. The lyrics applet works normally. What have gone are the songs’ lyrics themselves.

Good luck in any case with trying to use local lyrics!
Thank you for your help and good wishes.