amarok issues in openSUSE-13.1


I’ve been running a slight misconfigured but working media-installation since I installed 13.1 (have been doing the same since openSUSE12.1): All media packages from Packman, except amarok and dependencies from openSUSE-OSS/Update.

Today for the first time amarok failed to start:

amarok: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: _ZTIN6TagLib3Ogg4Opus4FileE

Found these threads:
The kde-link more specific:
Checked, and all my amarok packages amarok-2.8.0-24.2 libtag1-1.8-11.1.4, libtag_co-1.8-11.1.4, taglib-1.8-11.1.4 comes from openSUSE-13.1-OSS or -update
(strange that this “suite”, all latest versions from openSUSE suddenly did not work together?)

Anyway I tried to upgrade only libtag1 taglib1 and libtag_co to the latest version from Packman.
Now amarok starts but reports:

$ amarok
[0x234d068] main libvlc error: No plugins found! Check your VLC installation.
PHONON-VLC [FATAL__] libVLC: could not initialize 
** amarok --debug                                                                           ** 

VLC (from Packman) seems to work anyway, amarok is running, but without sound.

Downgrading/vendor changing libtag1 taglib1 and libtag_co leading back to where I started “symbol lookup error”

I now tried to upgrade and change vendor to Packman for the whole amarok suit, that is amarok-2.8.0-24.2->amarok-2.8.0-28.1, libtag1, libtag_co and taglib1 from 1-1.8-11.1.4 to libtag1 to 1.9.1-80.1 from Packman.

It immediately led to the PHONON-VLC krash above.

Now tried to change the Amarok Phonon VLC backed to gstreamer (using the VLC backend was originally a recommendation from this forum)
This worked (and VLC seemed to work as well).
…but I had preferred the amarok use of Phonon VLC backend,
so since I now had a more clean Packman media installation I decided to check VLC version (from Packman repo):
I found there was an upgrade from 2.2.0-264.2->2.2.1-286.6 and installed it.
as consequence there was an upgrade of libbluray to latest from Packman (2.2.1-286.6)

Started amarok and changed Phonon backend from gstreamer back to VLC (logout/login):
Now amarok krashes:

$ amarok
KCrash: Application 'amarok' crashing...
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib64/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
unnamed app(5421): Communication problem with  "amarok" , it probably crashed. 
Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" " 


Checked if any relevant packages came from openSUSE instead of Packman with zypper dup
But just found

# zypper dup --from Packman
The following 8 packages are going to be upgraded:
  cmake fdupes lcms2 libdvdnav4 libdvdread4 libguess1 liblcms2-2 libportaudio2 

The following 6 packages are going to be downgraded:
  libmpeg2convert0 libsox2 me-tv me-tv-lang smplayer-skins sox 

The only thing that came out of this was that amarok krashed instead of refusing to start due to symbol lookup error.

Is there any way out of this mess %-S?

Best regards

Just to complete: My repos

# zypper lr -d
#  | Alias                                | Namn                               | Aktiverad | Uppdatera | Priority | Typ      | URI                                                                                          | Service
 1 | Education                            | Education                          | Ja        | Ja        |   99     | rpm-md   |                           |        
 2 | Packman                              | Packman                            | Ja        | Ja        |   99     | rpm-md   |                                                  |        
 3 | Science                              | Science                            | Ja        | Ja        |   99     | rpm-md   |                             |        
 4 | VLC                                  | VLC                                | Nej       | Nej       |   99     | rpm-md   |                                              |        
 5 | Virtualization                       | Virtualization                     | Nej       | Ja        |   99     | rpm-md   |                      |        
 6 | openSUSE-13.1-1.10                   | openSUSE-13.1-1.10                 | Ja        | Nej       |   99     | yast2    | cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_SE-S084B_SATASLIM00000051506-0:0,/dev/sr0 |        
 7 | openSUSE-13.1-Language-Add-on_13.1-0 | openSUSE 13.1 Language Add on      | Ja        | Nej       |   99     | yast2    | cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_SE-S084B_SATASLIM00000051506-0:0,/dev/sr0 |        
 8 | openSUSE-13.1-NonOSS-Add-on_13.1-0   | openSUSE 13.1 NonOSS Add on        | Ja        | Nej       |   99     | yast2    | cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_SE-S084B_SATASLIM00000051506-0:0,/dev/sr0 |        
 9 | repo-debug                           | openSUSE-13.1-Debug                | Nej       | Ja        |   99     | NONE     |                               |        
10 | repo-debug-update                    | openSUSE-13.1-Update-Debug         | Nej       | Ja        |   99     | NONE     |                                              |        
11 | repo-debug-update-non-oss            | openSUSE-13.1-Update-Debug-Non-Oss | Nej       | Ja        |   99     | NONE     |                                      |        
12 | repo-non-oss                         | openSUSE-13.1-Non-Oss              | Ja        | Ja        |   99     | yast2    |                                 |        
13 | repo-oss                             | openSUSE-13.1-Oss                  | Ja        | Ja        |   99     | yast2    |                                     |        
14 | repo-source                          | openSUSE-13.1-Source               | Nej       | Ja        |   99     | NONE     |                              |        
15 | repo-update                          | openSUSE-13.1-Update               | Ja        | Ja        |   99     | rpm-md   |                                                    |        
16 | repo-update-non-oss                  | openSUSE-13.1-Update-Non-Oss       | Nej       | Ja        |   99     | rpm-md   |                                            |        
17 | rpm                                  | rpm                                | Ja        | Ja        |   99     | plaindir | dir:///home/larse/bin/rpm                                                                    |        
18 | server:/php/applications             | server:/php/applications           | Ja        | Ja        |   99     | rpm-md   |           |        

PS. Additionally:
What I now couldn’t do was changing the Phonon backend amarok used back to gstreamer (to at least avoid the krash).
Changing the configuration graphically was impossible-
Tried to find the amarok configuration file(s), found none. Nothing in /etc/.
Renaming/moving ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok didn’t help.

Using gnome-search-tool I finally found ~/.kde4/share/config/servicetype_profilerc took a chance and changed the service orders: Worked! :slight_smile:

But, are there any disadvantages using the Phonon gstreamer backend?

And: Are my local ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok all the amarok config files there are?

Just uninstalling phonon-backend-vlc should have helped.

The problem is that Packman has VLC 2.2.1 meanwhile, and there is no phonon-backend-vlc available that is built against 2.2.
For some reason, Packman completely removed the version they provided.

Tried to find the amarok configuration file(s), found none. Nothing in /etc/.
Renaming/moving ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok didn’t help.

It’s about KDE’s (Phonon’s) config, not amarok’s.

And /etc doesn’t contain any user settings at all, just system settings (or defaults).

But, are there any disadvantages using the Phonon gstreamer backend?

Not really. It supports all phonon features, even some that are not supported by VLC (like the Analyzer or cross fading).
And it has no problems with PulseAudio, in contrast to the VLC backend which will e.g. raise the (overall) sound volume to 100% on each login.

And: Are my local ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok all the amarok config files there are?


Well Thank you wolfi!! :slight_smile:
I was hoping you should see this thread having read some amarok related threads before I posted.

I should never have dared to uninstall phonon-backend-vlc in that situation but I trust in what you say.

The only thing that puzzled me in your reply was the lines about configuration files, but you need not really answer.

/etc doesn’t contain any user settings at all
of course I know, but I should say that the choice of backend is on the “default border”. But I believe what you say, and besides I could find no amarok settings whatsoever in /etc.
But these lines

larsed: Renaming/moving ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok didn’t help.
wolfi: It’s about KDE’s (Phonon’s) config, not amarok’s.

larsed: Are my local ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok all the amarok config files there are?
wolfi: Yes.

puzzled me! Perhaps you by your first lines meant ~/.kde4/share/config/servicetype_profilerc ?
(Though KDE Phonon settings they obviously affected amarok belonging to the KDE applications)

But as I said, there is no need for you to bother more!

I’m very grateful for your reply!

If the default backend is not available, KDE falls back to the next one.

of course I know, but I should say that the choice of backend is on the “default border”. But I believe what you say, and besides I could find no amarok settings whatsoever in /etc.

The default priority of the phonon backends are determined in the backends themselves, in the description files in /usr/share/kde4/services/phononbackends/.

VLC has a higher priority than gstreamer, so it is preferred when it is installed, unless the user changes the order.

But these lines

puzzled me! Perhaps you by your first lines meant ~/.kde4/share/config/servicetype_profilerc ?

~/.kde4/share/config/servicetype_profilerc contains the preference of phonon-backends (and possibly of other plugins), yes, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with Amarok itself.
Amarok’s settings are in ~/.kde4/share/config/amarok*, and nowhere else.

(Though KDE Phonon settings they obviously affected amarok belonging to the KDE applications)

Phonon is KDE’s multimedia framework, and Amarok uses it to play back files.

So Phonon’s settings do affect Amarok in a way (i.e. which backend to use, which output device, and so on), just as they do affect KDE, the desktop, itself and all other KDE applications.

Well Thank you again wolfi! You most certainly know what you’re writing about, which I cannot say about myself :shame:.

When trying to change phonon backend (not by uninstalling phonon-backen-vlc, that I didn’t dare at the time) without being able to reach Amaroks graphical interface as I described initially I really dug through the user configuration files in /.kde4/share/apps/amarok/ and ~/.kde4/share/config/amarok* without finding any line mentioning phonon-backend. -It was only through editing ~/.kde4/share/config/servicetype_profilerc -that you say are the KDE phonon settings- I was able to change backend to gstreamer.

Anyway, with your help I have learned a lot about Amarok by now, not to mention the intricacy of using applications and dependencies from different DE’s (myself using a lot of KDE-apps in a basic Gnome setup with XFCE-DE) and reposititories! -Ans since you mention Packmans handling of VLC, should it have helped me avoid this issue if I had got the VLC -and phonon backend- from the VLC-repo? Or was it a matter of build versions

The problem is that Packman has VLC 2.2.1 meanwhile, and there is no phonon-backend-vlc available that is built against 2.2.

The VLC repo does not offer phonon-backend-vlc, and never did.

Or was it a matter of build versions

phonon-backend-vlc is included in the distribution, but it is built against the VLC included in the distribution (2.1.x in openSUSE 13.1 and 13.2). You could have switched to that one, but you would have no restricted codecs available then of course.

Great :)!

I’ve updated my multimedia guide accordingly (concerning VLC, repos and what phonon backend to use in amarok).

You see, when my problem started I could not remember if I got VLC from Packman or VLC. But as you say, as for v.2.2 it would have made no difference. And now when I look back I could see that my VLC (2.1) was from Packman, it’s always only libdvdcss2 I take from the VLC repo.

Great many thanks for your guidance!


There’s a separate repo for libdvdcss2 as well, you can find it in YaST’s community repository list like Packman… :wink:
(Software Repositories->Add->Comunity Repositories)

There is no need to remember what repo just use yast software management version tab it will tell you where it comes form and let you change it if that is needed. You will have far less trouble if you just stay away from the vlc repo just use packman. Take care not to mix packages from the same app from different repos. These multimedia things tend to be contained in multiple packages to deal with the proprietary codecs and other reasons but do not do well if you mix some packages from one repo with packages from another

There’s a separate repo for libdvdcss2 as well,
Had no idea, added immediately!
Thanks again wolfi323

And to gogalthorpe: Most of this thread circles around what you say. I really agree with you. As you can see already in my first lines I stated that my amarok was “misconfigured” as coming from the openSUSE repo. -I don’t know how that could have happened since I’ve always taken amarok from Packman? (installed the mediapackages with Packman attached, and just to be sure, ran zypper dup --from Packman afterwards)
Even though, amarok had worked fine since I installed 13.1, with the propriety codecs as well.) Till yesterday.

But having had SuSE as a favorite since v.8 dealing with proprietary codecs has often been a business of picking up tips and tricks from here and there and, accordingly, often enough also codecs and media dependencies. I guess I’m in some senses still in those bad habits, often enough because I simply did not know, for instance, what wolfi just wrote; that there is a separate community repo for libdvdcss2. -And, as he earlier informed me, the “getting every app, dependency and codec from the same source/repo”-problems are not over when

Packman has VLC 2.2.1 meanwhile, and there is no phonon-backend-vlc available that is built against 2.2.

((not to mention the history of xine/libxine and the introduction of gstreamer :))

Any way thanks to you both!
Think it is time to close this thread …before I start to talk about gnuradio :slight_smile:

Best regards