Amarok Context panel is not working

Hi Guys,

Since I installed Amarok 2, its context panle is not showing the context of the song any more. I am using opensuse 11.3 now but it didn’t work when I used opensuse 11.2 either. Please refer to the figure attached. Your help is much appreciated as it disturbs me for a long time.
Thanks a lot!!

Best thing to do is to remove the amarok config files.

To do this open dolphin, click to view hidden files, and then go to the .kde folder and change all the file names in the config folder for amarok (just add ‘old’ to the name).

Then re-start amarok (as normal) and it will re-create the amarok config settings and give you the missing bit back.

Thank you very much! The context panel is back after I rename the old configuration files.

glad to hear that it worked ok for you