amarok 2.8 album artwork

Is there a problem with album artwork with amarok 2.8?

I am running opensuse 12.3 updated to kde 4.11 - which includes 2.8. The album artwork shows in the local selection column (on the left). If I then add a song to my playlist (column on the right) the album artwork is carried over but is lost when I close amarok and re-start it.

Many thanks

Hm. This works fine here.

Do you have permission to write to that directory?

Thanks very much for posting.

Well I deleted all my amarok settings in .kde4 apps & config but still no joy. The saved artwork is in the right folder so it does not appear to be a permission issue.

Just in case anyone comes across this thread - the problem was that my ‘music’ folder contained just a link to a mp3 folder on a windows fat32 drive. The issue was sorted by copying the actual mp3 folder from the windows drive to the linux music folder.