amarok 1 in 11.2

Because i don’t like amarok 2 I’m looking to install amarok 1.4.10 from source code.
Does anybody have experience with this?

No need to install from Source, you can add the KDE 3.5 11.2 repository and install it from there;
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE3/openSUSE_11.2

Thanks I’ll try it that way, it seems less dificult lol!

Take the ones from the Packman repo. They still serve 1.4.10 packages.

Thank you for helping me now I can enjoy my music with the best music player available

The amarok 1.4 package from the opensuse KDE3 repos doesn’t support the external mysql database. Does anyone know if the packman packages for 11.2 do?

Wise Penguin say more about how you did that. I’ve got the packman repo enabled and packman shows nothing for 11.2. Trying to install the rpm by hand gives lots of dependancy errors even if you’ve previously installed SuSE’s amarok.

I too would like amarok 1.4 packman (ie with mp3) on 11.2

The ‘problem’ is the new “Vendor sticky” functionality that was introduced with 11.2 to prevent some problems that were occuring with various repositories, however as a side effect it also prefers the ‘SuSE’ versions to others.

You can either;

  • change Packman priority to be higher than SuSE oss so it will be preferred
  • you can edit /etc/zypp/zypp.conf and change solver.allowVendorChange = false to solver.allowVendorChange = true

However, I would recommend the first option, the latter can cause all sorts of interesting things if you’re not experienced so do not do it unless you are absolutely sure of the results.

Under 11.1, the packman amarok 1.4 packages used to be called “amarok-packman” - but I’m not seeing these in the 11.2 packman repos.

If the packman packages are now called “kde3-amarok,” like the SuSE ones are, wouldn’t we be able to see those packages in the package manager, and maybe even select them manually?

jamat13 wrote:

> Wise Penguin say more about how you did that. I’ve got the packman repo
> enabled and packman shows nothing for 11.2. Trying to install the rpm by
> hand gives lots of dependancy errors even if you’ve previously installed
> SuSE’s amarok.
> I too would like amarok 1.4 packman (ie with mp3) on 11.2
Yesterday I search the packman 11.2 repo and could not find amarok or kDE3-
amarok in that repo. I’d like to drop back also, since they took shortcasts
away due to license problems. To me the version 2.2.1 is useless for what I
listen too.

[openSUSE 11.2 (, x86_64] KDE 4.3.3 release 1, Intel
Core 2 Dual E7200, 4 GB DDR III, GeForce 8400 GS, 320GB Disc (2)

thanks for links for amarok 1.4.10


I’ve installed amarok 1.4 but it doesn’t play any audio. The same mp3’s play fine in kaffeine and all codecs + xine-libs are installed. Also no music files are added to the collection. Dragging a file into the playlist gives error telling the file could not be played. Any ideas?

Ok did a complete reinstall of suse and now amarok 1.4 can play mp3’s by drag and drop to playlist. However, it still doesn’t build my collection: 0 tracks. I assume this is because my filesystem is the new ext4. Can anyone confirm this? Are there solutions?

update: installed amarok from packman/11.1 and now collection is filled. Mysql however doesn’t seem to work… SqlLite does.

I’ve managed to get mysql working if I run amarok as root. But as normal user it still doesn’t work. I’ve added myself to the mysql group in yast but that doesn’t help. Any ideas?

Ok got it all solved now:). For future users having problem with this:

[li] install libmysqlclient15 from[b]11.1[/b]/repo/oss/suse/ repository.
[/li][li] install kdemultimedia3-sound from[b]11.1[/b]/repo/oss/suse/ repository
[/li][li] After installing these, you should be able to install amarok from packman for 11.1.
[/li][li] setup your amarok mysql database
[/li][li] add yourself to the “mysql” group via yast
[/li][li] start mysql via yast - system services
[/li][li] as root open /etc/my.cnf and replace every line: [/li]```
socket = /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock


socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

[li] as root change the permissions for the /var/lib/mysql folder and all subfolders: set group mysql instead of root.
[/li][li] start amarok and under collection set mysql as database.

This should work for getting full amarok 1.4 to work with opensuse 11.2. The only downside is that you can't have amarok 2 installed next to the 1.4 installation.

Note that your suggestion cripples all Apache/PHP installations on 11.2 that rely on MySQL - highly inadviceable.

Ah I wasn’t aware of this… What exactly is the cause then? And what are the consequences of crippling apache/php? If it only means I can’t run a php server on my desktop, I don’t really care…

If there are other ways to get amarok 1.4 working WITH mysql I would like to now…

When I try to install amarok from the 11.1 packman repos, I get a message that nothing provides libmysqlclient15, which is required by amarok-libvisual. The current version in opensuse 11.2 is libmysqlclient16.
I’m installing it anyway to see what we can get out of it…

I was merely making a note for anyone who runs PHP+MySQL combination that your socket change will make them inoperable as php has hardcoded socket location where it looks for it.

Simple change would be to take the Amarok 1.4 source rpm package, change the socket location to what MySQL 5.1 uses and recompile the package. That would require some time and effort + lots of development packages. I’ll see if I have motivation to do it at some point, right now I have too much stuff on my table :slight_smile: