Alternative for Kleansweeper

Is there a better alternative for Kleansweeper. I used this last week just to find “duplicate” files to reduce my drive space back to something I could live with, but it virtually went through my entire “/home” and wiped out all files not in folders, whether they were duplicates or not. Kleansweeper has some major issues, I will not use it again. I am using KDE on Suse11.1 Any suggestions?

cherock1254 wrote:

> Is there a better alternative for Kleansweeper. I used this last week
> just to find “duplicate” files to reduce my drive space back to
> something I could live with, but it virtually went through my entire
> “/home” and wiped out all files not in folders, whether they were
> duplicates or not. Kleansweeper has some major issues, I will not use it
> again. I am using KDE on Suse11.1 Any suggestions?

Wow, that sounds a major bug you should report to Kleansweep developer :-/

How about “fdupes”? I have not tested but it’s under openSUSE’s standard




> Any suggestions?

  1. buy more hard drive space (that is easier than accidentally loosing
    important stuff)

  2. backup before you run anything like kleansweeper (which is easier
    than having to reinstall or loosing personal settings info in /home)

  3. delete your windows system and all its programs (whicht will give
    lots of space)

  4. move seldom used data, movies, music, etc onto CDs, DVDs or on net
    storage sites…

in other words, i wouldn’t DARE run anything like Kleansweeper…

/( )\ natural_pilot

Linux doesn’t become polluted and bloated like Windows. There is no need at all, to use any cleansing applications in Linux.

It’s bad enough that those apps exist. Don’t use them: there is a high risk of damaging your system.