'alt+scroll wheel' window fade - how to disable

I am running photoshop with crossover (works great!) but the zoom in and out feature requires the alt+scroll shortcut. I have looked around and found that its the ‘opacity’ setting in compiz… but i dont have that enabled. If I enable it, nothing changes.

Any ideas? I simply can’t function without this feature disabled.


If enable desktop effects by compiz many thing actully changes which you haven’t noticed. Whatever, open simple compiz configuration manager (in Gnome from menu : system >> look and feel >> desktop effects), uncheck the box Enable desktop effects. Your goal achieved.

So the only solution is to disable desktop effects??
That freakin blows!

No other solution?

No, you dont have to disable desktop effects.

Open compizconfig-settings-manager (install it if not installed)

Go to “Opacity, Brightness and Saturation”.

Under “opacity” tab disable the alt+scroll behavior (both increase and decrease).

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I have a friend on 11.1 and he was showing me a few options in the
Control Center or directly in Yast where the various key shortcuts could
be configured/enabled/disabled. Have you checked in there already?

  • From your initial post maybe this is the feature to which you were
    referring (I don’t have it here to check) so maybe then you have found a
    bug. If you think it is a bug feel free to report it at
    http://bugzilla.novell.com/ assuming it hasn’t already been reported.
    Otherwise you might want to wait for a few more minutes as people come
    in here… responses will likely come when people wake up after being
    up late for some holiday…

Good luck.

getintanked wrote:
> So the only solution is to disable desktop effects??
> That freakin blows!
> No other solution?
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I had tried that, the setting is actually disabled all together. Opacity has been disabled and all check marks are unchecked in opacity.

Keep the ideas comming!
I gota get rid of this (without losing desktop effects). Thanks,

Seems like its a problem in crossover itself.

A quick google search gave me this and this where users having issues with shortcuts in Photoshop running under wine.

Since crossover is built on wine i guess crossover is the culprit.

Seems like its a problem in crossover itself.

A quick google search gave me this, this and this where users having issues with shortcuts in Photoshop running under wine.

Since crossover is built on wine i guess crossover is the culprit.

While I agree with you that keyboard shortcuts with photoshop in wine are erroneous, crossover runs photoshop perfectly!

The issue here is defiantly with kde and/or compiz - I can make any window transparent by holding down alt and scrolling the scroll wheel.
When I do this in photoshop, which should zoom in and out (and does work if i disable my desktop effects) but rather fades the opacity of the window in and out, like it does everywhere else.

Thanks for the help so far, keep the ideas comming! :slight_smile:


This page says that by setting “Allow the window manager to control the windows” option in wine config (winecfg) it is possible to make wine apps obey compiz settings.

Look for similar settings in crossover.

I suggest you to post your problem on Crossover’s Linux support forum: CrossOver Support - Forums - Linux

Good luck :slight_smile:

You do tech support don’t you?
Throwing the issue to somewhere else…


No, I’m not a tech support guy. lol!

Whats wrong in asking for solution in different forums?!