All .sh files open in kwrite

When I clicked on a .sh file it asked whether to open or execute. I selected the 'apply to all…" button and accidentally clicked on Open. Now all of my .sh files open in Kwrite. So far I have not found the correct keywords for a useful web search. What is the incantation I need to get all .sh files to execute? I’m using Leap 42.2.

Hi, welcome. That’s quite some username you picked :D.

First the issue: Go to Systemsettings - Applications - File associations. Search for the .sh type, and remove ( on the right ) the Kwrite entry, Apply and things should be backt to normal.
Second: You say you’re using Leap 42.2 That version is out of maintenance and support, you should update to 42.3 . That’s not a big deal, you can even do that without downloading the entire DVD image. Start a new thread if you need assistance .