Akonadi - how to stop it

I don’t use any programme that uses akonadi such as KAddressBook, Mailody, KMail or KPilot. I don’t use any PIM programmes at all. So what is Akonadi actually doing apart from sucking up resources like an alcoholic in a brewery. As a resource hog it is worse than Beagle on steroids. I cannot just delete it without removing other stuff, which would probably break the system. I have disable stringi and nepomuk.
So how to stop akonadi for good?

As an addendum, I was too slow to edit, I do not even have kmail, kaddressbook or korganiser on my system. Most of the Akonadi processes ( i have eight running) are for mail or nepomuk, so it is wasting resources on things that are either disabled or non existent.
*Rant Mode On* This increasing need for KDE to load up stuff I don’t want and forcing me to use other stuff I don’t want (yes kwallet I am looking at you) is slowly turning into a deal breaker for me /Rant Mode Off.

On 16/10/10 04:36, Dwarfer99 wrote:
> As an addendum, I was too slow to edit, I do not even have kmail,
> kaddressbook or korganiser on my system. Most of the Akonadi processes
> ( i have eight running) are for mail or nepomuk, so it is wasting
> resources on things that are either disabled or non existent.
> -Rant Mode On- This increasing need for KDE to load up stuff I don’t
> want and forcing me to use other stuff I don’t want (yes kwallet I am
> looking at you) is slowly turning into a deal breaker for me -/Rant Mode
> Off-.

You have neglected to provide necessary info on what SUSE version you
are using and what version of KDE.

I no longer find Akonadi to be a problem with KDE 4.5. Also, Akonadi
doesn’t start up until Kontact is started. Kwallet has only ever started
(for me) when Kontact has started - or on the very few occasions I’ve
used the Konqueror web-browser.

Graham Davis, Bracknell, Berks.
E-mail: newsman, not newsboy

Sorry, I thought my signature would sufficiently indicate that I am using * openSUSE 11.3, Kde 4.5.2. *Also, I do not use Kontact, nor Konqueror web-browser.

I don’t have a problem with it except that it exists, nepomuk is a waste of time but I can disable it. Akonadi always starts at boot, takes up resources and pretty much does nothing of use. AFAIK the only programmes that use it are Kaddressbook and, since 4.5, KMail, I use neither of them, I have removed them from my system, they are deceased, they are no more…So why is akonadi still starting? If it is only supposed to start when required by a programme using it then what other programmes use it, that I can delete to get rid of it. Every one complained about beagle but this whole semantic desktop is a lot, lot worse, and for no return.

I second Cloddy in that Akonadi is not really a problem anymore - it does not hog ressources after being initialized for the first time, at least not on my machine. What actually puzzles me is that it is still running although you mention Nepomuk and Strigi being switched off - just to be sure, could you check that again? Does ‘ps aux’ show any Strigi / Nepomuk / virtuoso-t processes running?

I also do not use any KDE-PIM-applications and when I switch off desktop search, it stays off.

Dear Forum,

i have a hidden directory ./ in my home directory containing some old
*std.vcf_3 files with old e-mail addresses

BUT recently it seems that some akonadi process or Virus is creating a Directory prefixed with a Comma
named ,/addy containing a file :

-rw-r–r-- 1 home users 0 2010-10-20 21:38 std.vcf__3

next i see, in the original proper hidden ./ directory, an entry :-


"Important Warning!!!

Don’t create or copy vCards inside this folder manually, they are managed by the Akonadi framework!"

Thus . . . I worry . . . Is Akonadi the program that is creating the Comma-Prefixed Directory
named " ,/addy "


Is this a Virus ??

Thank you for all possible Help and Clarification ??

best regards

Is this a Virus ??

Most probably not, it obviously is created by Akonadi (or maybe KMail).

Either way, I recommend to start a new thread on that (as the symptoms you describe, while not seeming critical, are definitely strange) instead of “hijacking” another thread. This will increase the chances that you will get proper help.

Since 4.5 the akonadi framework takes care of the kde address-book and visiting card database. Beforehand you had this in .kde/shared/applications/etc…
Now, since the database is managed by akonadi, it transfers imported vcard files to be suitable for saving them in the database format (for what I remember it is a msquel-format or similar). As a result you will have from akonadi that folder, for what I understand it will be probably for transfer of imported vfc (visiting card files).

There are no virus for Linux. There could be troyans (if you install them yourselfs) or some worms (if you do not maintain your machine). It might be possible (if you have particular reason to belief you are a target to this things) to hack your computer with personalized malware. You can minimize this event by using secure file permissions, by correctly implementing AppArmor and by not letting anybody that you do not deeply trust have access to the usb-ports and to your machine in general.

For what you describe you should not have a virus at all, especially because the content of that directory is all but suspicious and even tells you what it does. Did you (apart this fact) see any strange behavior of applications, desktop, amount of data send over the Internet? If not there is not really a reasonable suspect for this.

About Akonadi: the idea of this framework is “not to reinvent the wheel”, in the sense that data should be seized only once, then all applications should make use of it, without forcing you to digitalize them again. So if Aknoadi sets up the database for i.e. kontact, then also kopete, the gnome applications and in the end what so ever application using that framework will be able to serve you without having to input again the data.
Good luck.

For what you describe you should not have a virus at all, especially because the content of that directory is all but suspicious and even tells you what it does. Did you (apart this fact) see any strange behavior of applications, desktop, amount of data send over the Internet? If not there is not really a reasonable suspect for this.

Well, I don’t see any signs of a virus or any malware as well, but a path prefixed with a comma (,/addy) is pretty weird, isn’t it?

are we sure it is a comma? A virus would not get himself “invisible” by using a comma. With a comma that is like a disco-flashlight in the dark if you know what I mean. If ever it could be an akonadi bug, problems of presbiopia, bad monitor resolution or a FUD attack. Everything goes.

I never wrote I suspect this to be a virus, just the opposite. But yet this is weird (not necessarily critical) behaviour. I have never seen a folder with a comma-prefix.

On 2010-10-22 00:06, gropiuskalle wrote:
> I never wrote I suspect this to be a virus, just the opposite. But yet
> this is weird (not necessarily critical) behaviour. I have never seen a
> folder with a comma-prefix.

Just somebody that mistyped a comma for a dot.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

Dear gropiuskalle,

Thank you kindly for your insightful reply.

YES I would like to start a NEW thread, but do not know how to do this
. . . it seems to me that the permissions that I have been granted by the openSuSE Forums do not allow me to start a NEW thread

. . . probably I have not understood how to start a new thread

  • How, please, can I start a new thread ??


MH mail (the “nmh” package) uses filenames beginning with “,” for deleted mail messages. People using that would probably set up a regular cron job to delete such files if they are a week or more old.

I have no idea whether something like that is involved here. I’m just mentioning for perspective.

Dear stakanov - thank you very much - anna

The latter is correct.
To open a new thread (provided you are using a web-browser):
Go up to the menu of the page click on “home”
You get to the main page.
From there go to the group you want to post the thread. General ChitChat will be your only option as a security group has not been implemented (people stating “there is no need” for it. Good to know). So it is in Community.
You click on Community, General ChitChat
You will be now here
You look now up on the page, all above. You will see a big big blue button, called “Post New Thread”. Click on it. You have to fill out the thread window naturally like before when you posted these replies.
Hope that helps. If not PM me. There is no permission issue, as you are logged in and you can post a reply you can also post a new thread.

Or maybe your profile has some issues, you opened it in November 2009 and you never posted. PM messages are deactivated. If you experience further trouble you may contact an admin to know whether it was put on hold due to inactivity.
(Why would they do this: to avoid the automatized creation of accounts by Spam-bots). Good luck.

It is interesting that people said in this thread that akonadi hasn’t been causing problems for a long time, yet when I disabled it, my openSUSE 13.1 system got considerably faster. (This description helped me disable it: http://tweakhound.com/2011/11/25/opensuse-12-1-taming-akonadi-nepomuk/)

Well, it needs RAM (the mysql server it starts uses about 100MiB), so if you’re low on RAM it can make a difference.
And if Nepomuk/Baloo indexes your mail/contacts/whatever, it uses CPU as well.

But you should not have to disable it.
It is only started when you start a program that uses it.

Anyway, this thread actually was about some completely different “problem”… :wink:
And the last post was in 2010. Why are you resurrecting this old thread with something unrelated (and even change the subject)? Just because it has “Akonadi” in the subject?
Please don’t.
Even if you think that your system runs better without it. Btw, you can also just uninstall it. This will of course remove all applications that use it (KDEPIM mainly), but those won’t work anyway when you disable it.