AftEr updatE small "E" kEy doEs not work

AftEr updatE small “E” kEy doEs not work. EvErything ElsE works finE. EvEn uppEr casE (as you can sEE) work wEll, but not a low-casE. :frowning:
HowEvEr, in somE appilations (browsErs addrEss string, sEarch string) it works corrEct, but not in login scrEEn/consolE/tExt Editing…

All this sht happEns aftEr todays updatE (somE x11 filEs wErE updatEd too). No x11 configs wErE changEd manually.

PlEasE, hElp! This is rEally annoing! %)

Hey man i’ve had same problem before a day! It was so crazy, same situation after some updates when I was trying Notes plasmoid and suddenly when I pressed the E-key it did nothing… every other key worked fine so it made me a bit confused, but it solved itself after reboot. Curious… :\

Strange… Its just became normal after one day :slight_smile: Anyway thanks!

> Strange… Its just became normal after one day :slight_smile: Anyway thanks!

after a new boot, i guess ???

getting to be more and more ‘fixes’ come about after a boot…soon,
Linux will be just like Windows[tm] and we have boot every hour or two…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon