AftEr updatE small “E” kEy doEs not work. EvErything ElsE works finE. EvEn uppEr casE (as you can sEE) work wEll, but not a low-casE.
HowEvEr, in somE appilations (browsErs addrEss string, sEarch string) it works corrEct, but not in login scrEEn/consolE/tExt Editing…
All this sht happEns aftEr todays updatE (somE x11 filEs wErE updatEd too). No x11 configs wErE changEd manually.
Hey man i’ve had same problem before a day! It was so crazy, same situation after some updates when I was trying Notes plasmoid and suddenly when I pressed the E-key it did nothing… every other key worked fine so it made me a bit confused, but it solved itself after reboot. Curious… :\