After Update from Leap 15.3 KDE does not start

After Upgrade from Leap 15.3 to Leap 15.4 opensuse boots into a console. The KDE Environment does not start anmore.

I installed the nvidia drivers (G04) with zypper like described in the opensuse wiki but that does not resolve the issue. Suse still boots to the console. ‘init 5’ has no effect.

Any help how to proceed from this point is apprediated.

Try to remove all packages from nvidia-repo, reboot and reinstall them via install recommended packages.

you mean ‘zypper rr NVIDIA’ and then how to ‘install recommended packages’ ?

I’ve removed all nvidia packages and then called

zypper inr --no-recommended

, restarted and then installed the two G04 Nvidia packages again. Yields a lot of checks and messages. But after restart it works.

Thanks a lot.

Did you follow the openSUSE System Upgrade SDB? – <;.

  • Exactly

Do you have the following openSUSE Leap 15.4 repositories enabled?

Did you follow the advice of the SDB? –

You must update your system with the latest updates for the release you are currently running before upgrading the distribution. Note: for 15.3 specifically only the upgrade from a fully updated 15.2 is supported, as starting with 15.3 binaries from SLES are used. See the release notes for Leap 15.3.

The supported starting point is the last openSUSE Leap release with all current updates applied, but this does not include arbitrary openSUSE Build Service repositories you may have added. We recommend that you disable all OBS repositories first, perform the upgrade, then reenable them.

Whilst zypper dup can now better handle extra repositories during an upgrade, it may be desirable to manually check if replacement repositories for the new release are available, and to either adjust the URLs in /etc/zypp/repos.d before the upgrade, or to re-add the repositories after the upgrade (see step 6).

In other words, the safest route is to upgrade a “plain, vanilla” system and then, add any extra repositories after the upgrade has completed …
[HR][/HR]And, before anyone else asks, please post the output of –

 > zypper repos --uri
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