I think, but could be wrong, that I can add fonts by adding the fonts to a folder called .fonts in my home directory. Firstly is that correct and secondly would fonts from my windows pc such as ariel which I like to use work if I put it in that folder? I would hope that the added fonts would be available for libre office word. Can I add any fonts I like into the .fonts folder?
On 12/11/2013 07:46 AM, steveis2 wrote:
> and secondly would fonts from my windows pc such as ariel which I like
> to use work if I put it in that folder? I would hope that the added
> fonts would be available for libre office word. Can I add any fonts I
> like into the .fonts folder?
The package ‘fetchmsttfonts’ comes with openSUSE 13.1. Look for it and
use it to install MicroSoft Core TrueType fonts, for all users on your
Unless you have a very good reason for doing so, you should install fonts as system fonts; the MS fonts will automatically be installed as system fonts.
If you have downloaded some fonts that are not available from openSUSE, keep the downloads in your /home directory but install them as system fonts. Then, if you reinstall or move to another machine, you won’t have to go searching for them again; you can simply reinstall them as system fonts from your /home directory.