Accessing Forum from (for example) Google

I have noticed that if one does a search on Google if a web page on the forum is listed clicking on it takes the searcher to the main page of the forum, not the page referenced in the search. There may be a very good reason for this, and as a registered user I am now used to signing in to the forum before searching on google, but for a newbie it is, I suggest, very frustrating.

Searching the forums is limited to registered (and logged on) users. Google must be a registered and logged on user, because it can get and display the result of a search, but you can’t use Google’s result to get to the desired information until you logon. I agree it’s frustrating, but you’ve discovered the workaround: logon to the forum before following the results of an outside search.

Maybe someone else has even more insight.

i do not understand your frustration…because, just now using
firefox, opera and konqueror i went to this google search"if+one+does+a+search+on+Google"“if+one+does+a+search+on+Google”

and it turned up one hit…

i clicked on that link and went directly to your posting in the
forum, while not logged into the forum…

i can’t possibly explain why that is not the case for you…except it
MAY be tied to the forum ‘skin’ you selected…when signed in i use
“openSUSE Default” which i suppose is stored in a cookie since the
looks of the forum doesn’t change if logged in, or not…

try it: User Control Panel > Settings & Options > Edit Options >
[scroll down to] Miscellaneous Options > Forum Skin > [flip to]
openSUSE Default


GregBrannon wrote:
> Searching the forums is limited to registered (and logged on) users.

not true…a person not registered nor logged in is free to browse
and/or search the forum…

at least, i can…

> Google must be a registered and logged on user, because it can get and
> display the result of a search, but you can’t use Google’s result to get
> to the desired information until you logon.

i do it all the time, without logging in…

> I agree it’s frustrating,
> but you’ve discovered the workaround: logon to the forum before
> following the results of an outside search.
> Maybe someone else has even more insight.

maybe i’m special?


Dwarfer99 wrote:

>I have noticed that if one does a search on Google if a web page on the
>forum is listed clicking on it takes the searcher to the main page of
>the forum, not the page referenced in the search. There may be a very
>good reason for this, and as a registered user I am now used to signing
>in to the forum before searching on google, but for a newbie it is, I
>suggest, very frustrating.

What you see is a long standing bug related to the forum integration with
Novell’s login. If your browsers has cookies from a previous login to any
Novell web site, but the cookies are not from a current session where you
logged into, then instead of getting to the correct page
of the URL, you get to the main page of
The workaround is simply to clikc on the same original link a second time.
The second time you follow the same link, it should bring you to the
correct page.

Marcel Cox

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