Access Windows Share

I’m trying to access shared files and folders in Dolphin which are hosted on another computer on the LAN running Windows 2000. On the windows computer I’ve enabled client for microsoft networks, and enabled sharing on some folders. I can see the folders in Dolphin when I select the network folder I added for the computer. When I open the shared folder, it prompts for the username and password, and I try the same username and password I used to log on to Windows, but the dialog box reappears on every attempt to enter the username and password. The file sharing was working when I was using 13.2, but since upgrading to 42.1 it not longer works. If I click on the cancel button, the dialog box goes away but a red banner appears at the top of Dolphin that says access denied. I looked at Samba settings but I can’t figure out how to make it work.

Is there a password for the user on the Windows 2000 machine? If not, a bug in recent Samba versions will prevent access. See and
This problem does not occur with samba 4.1.23-31.1

Thank you Howard for your help. To login to the account on Windows from which the folders are shared, a username and password is required. The samba version is 4.2.4-15.1. Should I still downgrade it?

Since the target has a password, the problem sounds more like
My 13.2 system had a security update today to samba 4.2.4-37.1. If LEAP 42.1 offers that, it would be the easiest first try.
If that does not help, you might add the repository at and update to samba 4.4.2.
If that still does not work, you could try reverting to a samba 4.1 version if there is one for LEAP 42.1.
I’m still stuck at samba 4.1.23-31.1 on 13.2 because of the bug with no-password Windows systems.

This thread has become a bit stale but there is an odd but effective solution as described at:

[FONT=verdana]That is, when the authentication window pops up just enter your own local username and password and you can then access the windows share.

