To participate in the discussions in this category, you must first request access.
This discussion category is intended to work towards solutions, and try to avoid the endless bikeshedding that can happen in community discussions like this. As such, the following additional conditions apply regarding participation:
- This category will be moderated somewhat more tightly than the rest of the forum categories, in order to keep things positive and on topic.
- Discussions in this category will be pre-determined, and the ability to create new topics is restricted. If necessary, the moderators can split the topics to make discussions easier to follow.
- Discussions will initially be time-limited to 90 days, starting on October 15, 2024. This time may be extended if further discussion is necessary, but the goal is for the participants to have built proposals for each of the topics of discussion.
- Individual participants are limited to replying in each topic to once every 15 minutes. This is to encourage thoughtful discussion, rather than just reactive responses.
- We have additional moderators for this category: @KaratekHD, @adathor, and @sfalken. They will be focused on keeping these discussions on-topic.
To join, request membership in the @project_discussions group by clicking the group name, and one of the moderators will add you. By joining in this discussion, you are acknowledging that you understand the additional requirements for participation in these specific discussions.