A new DE test for openSUSE

This DE’s name is Deepin Desktop. It is the default desktop environment in Linux Deepin which a linux distribution is developed by a Chinese company. This DE base on webkit (the upsteam said this desktop was a web) and use compiz as window manager. I use some free time to fork it to openSUSE, It can run on openSUSE 13.1. If you If are interested in it, you can install and taste it.
How to install :

sudo zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/hillwood:/deepin/openSUSE_13.1/home:hillwood:deepin.repo](http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/hillwood:/deepin/openSUSE_13.1/home:hillwood:deepin.repo)
sudo zypper in deepin-desktop deepin-desktop* deepin-system-tray deepin-notifications compiz
wget http://packages.linuxdeepin.com/deepin/pool/main/d/deepin-artwork/deepin-artwork_13.06.15.tar.gz
tar -zxf deepin-artwork_13.06.15.tar.gz
cd deepin-artwork-13.06.15
sudo cp -R usr /usr

How to launch:
It can’t launch by gdm or kdm right now, you must launch it using script after log in Gnome:

compiz --replace&

This is a test project, i don’t know whether i have enough time and ability to finish it. Maybe i need some help.



is there an English language pack available for this?

Yes, of course. Including English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.