A bandwidth meter for KDE

in Gnome I used netSpeed an applet to simply monitor the use of bandwidth. Now in Kde I cannot find nothing to replace it. Somebody can help me?

maybe knemo, or wireshark


  • ciclopeblu,

on KDE 4, there should be a couple of monitor widgets. Just search and try the one you like the best. I like Bubblemon :slight_smile:


there are some network traffic monitors in kde, the K Network Monitor (knemo), is the one you want.
I keeps track of your data traffic in daily monthly and yearly usage, has a traffic plotter that works, the widgets are a little borked for me, they are not drawing the graphs correctly.

…and don’t even think about using Wireshark for such a task (root-privileges for a network application to watch the used bandwidth… ayayay…).

I personally use Yasp (package ‘plasmoid-yasp’ from the KDE4-community-repos), which provides some more systeminfos beside bandwith and is configurable to some extend.