64 bit Flash Player

There is a Alpha version of 64 bit Flash Player for Linux here:

Adobe Labs - Downloads: Flash Player 10

I’m using it in openSUSE 11.1 x86_64 and Mandriva 2009.1 x86_64. So far it’s working.

good info. i know that some stuff for 64 bit can be tough to find^_^

I have it running for a while now, it works pretty well in Opera, but it’s not realy fast. It for example stutters when playing HQ video’s from youtube :frowning: .

Hi, I’m running SuSE 11.0 with KDE 3.5.9 and Firefox 3.0.9.

I have tried unsuccessfully to find version 10 of Flash Player. When I try to download Flash Player V 10 (.rpm) for Linux from Adobe website I get instead the plugin, not the player itself.

So I was interested in this post about an Alpha version of 10. I downloaded the Alpha referenced above and extracted. But all that results is one file: libflashplayer.so.

Is that it? All I need?

Where do I move that file, and does it replace something else or is it in addition to what’s there?

socref (Linux for Dummies level but trying to get better :wink: )

You move that to /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/

OK, thanks! Appreciate the direction.

Now, having followed your instructions, I notice the following:

When I go to the Adobe website it does say I have V of Flash Player installed. And if I right click on a video I get the same report.

However, when checking versions in Yast it tells me that my version of Flash Player is It also says my version of Flash Player plugin is

So I’m a little confused as to which version of FlashPlayer I actually have installed. Do I trust the Adobe website or do I trust Yast?

Or am I worried about nothing at all? :sarcastic:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

When you install the 64 bit plugin you uninstall nspluginwrapper and any flash related packages.

I’ve been running it for a fair amount of time, and have had fewer issues than with the standard package.

It would be fine if you’d be running 32 bit Firefox but again, to run it you’d have to pull half the oss repository :wink: Then there would be no problems with nspluginwrapper etc :slight_smile: