42.3 LEAP gns3-server


I have submitted a bug report Bug 1066504 for an issue with a package available in the education repository. There appears to be a dependency that is not available. From what I’ve been able to find on the internet about the dependency, it appears that the referenced file tree is not valid in a regular deployment of suse, but may be valid in a container development environment.

Anyway – when trying to install gns3-server from the education repository, it fails to find any repo that offers /gn3/bin/busybox. I know that busybox is already installed with suse, but I’m unsure if I can continue with the package install by skipping the un-met dependency.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to move forward with this?

From my terminal:
Problem: nothing provides /gns3/bin/busybox needed by gns3-server-2.0.3-36.1.noarch
Solution 1: do not install gns3-server-2.0.3-36.1.noarch
Solution 2: break gns3-server-2.0.3-36.1.noarch by ignoring some of its dependencies

Probably depends on how you installed and from where.

So, for instance

  1. It can be found in the openSUSE software search, it’s an older version but probably works

  2. There is a link on the gn3 “Linux Install” website to OBS which has at best a 42.2 package

Since the above is maintained by someone name Dremor,
You may prefer to install from an authoritative and large community…

Links in the above referenced page, the following will probably install the latest version unlike the above
I’d recommend PyPi (python),
or the “Sources” page which also seems to include pre-built Virtualbox and VMware appliances

There are other options if you want to search…
So, it probably matters what you’re trying to do, I don’t know why you’re referencing the Education repo…