32 bit apps on 64 bit Suse

I wanna install 32 bit environment in my 64bit OpenSUSE 13.1. There is NO “32 Bit environment” in YaST!

You dont really need it, usually when you install a 32bit app it usually pulls in the 32bit dependencies.
32bit apps will work fine in openSUSE 13.1 64bit no matter what your DE is.

On 2014-02-17 20:56, velizarcho123 wrote:
> I wanna install 32 bit environment in my 64bit OpenSUSE 13.1. There is
> NO “32 Bit environment” in YaST!

Yes, there is.
I think there is a pattern… but I can not locate it. :-?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

Again its not needed if you are trying to run 32bit apps under 64bit openSUSE

Yes, 32bit libraries are needed if you want to run 32bit apps under 64bit openSUSE, even with 13.1.

But there is no working 32bit pattern in 13.1 anymore. Although the package patterns-openSUSE-32bit does exist, but it doesn’t pull in any packages AFAIK.

What 32bit apps are you trying to run?

As MadmanRB wrote, if you install an openSUSE package requiring 32bit libs, they should be pulled in and installed automatically (if not, it’s a bug).
But for 3rd party packages (like skype) this might not be true.

Maybe try to run the offending application in a terminal window to see which library it needs that isn’t installed.
Hint: in openSUSE-64bit the 32bit library packages are called “libxxx-32bit” so they can be co-installed with the 64bit versions.

If in doubt just ask with the terminal output, please.

Yeah I meant the metapackage sorry for not clarifying, I am a little under the weather today