3 IM Apps will not Connect

I have 3 different Instant Messaging (IM) that will not connect to yahoo; Pidgin, Kopete and Empathy.
I am using the latest opensuse 13.2 with the KDE desktop and all up to date.
I have scoured the web lookinng for solutions to this problem to no avail.
There are no error codes so I have no idea what is going on.

Any thoughts, ideas or solutions would be greatly appreciated

Not quite sure what you are asking for, are you asking for a IM that has yahoo! IM support?
Those clients you mentioned don’t support the Yahoo!IM protocol.
A quick search revealed gyachi (I haven’t tested it)
if you already have setup packman as a repo then just install gyachi

sudo zypper in gyachi


Kopete does seam to have Yahoo support
Empathy does too
Pidgin has basic yahoo! support too
maybe you should check your firewall and see if it’s blocking the traffic.

gyachi might still be your best bet