2 questions on KDE4

I’m finally switching (slowly) from KDE3 to 4 (in 11.3). There are 2
things I so far haven’t figured out:

  1. How do I turn off the tooltips which appear when the mouse moves over
    a desktop icon?

  2. How can I assign a keyboard shortcut to minimize a window?

Any advice appreciated!


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For 2: Personal Settings/Keyboard & Mouse/Global Keyboard Shortcuts/KDE Component = KWin and then type mini in the search bar.

For 1.

Systemsettings → Workspace → set Informational Tips : scroll down to “Do not show”.

Have Fun

gsl1 wrote:

> For 2: Personal Settings/Keyboard & Mouse/Global Keyboard
> Shortcuts/KDE Component = KWin and then type mini in the search bar.

Thanks, that worked!


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kaiserhg wrote:

> For 1.
> Systemsettings → Workspace → set Informational Tips : scroll down
> to “Do not show”.
> Have Fun
> Hans
I can’t find that! I have no ‘workspace’ at top level of systemsettings.
There is a workspace entry under systemsettings–>desktop, but that
contains only ‘form factor’ and ‘dashboard’ entries. Am I missing


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I use KDE 4.4.95 (4.5) , There is a little different structure like in 4.4.4.
On my desktop are under workspace three settings:

1 Workspace Type:
2 Dashboard:
3 Informational Tips: here is your setting.

or in german:

  1. Arbeitsflächentyp
  2. Dashboard
  3. Informationen

Hope it helps.


Unfortunately this is not in 4.4.4. The best you can do is to lock widgets so the toolbar does not show up.

Take Care,


kaiserhg wrote:

> I use KDE 4.4.95 (4.5) , There is a little different structure like in
> 4.4.4.
> On my desktop are under workspace three settings:
> 1 Workspace Type:
> 2 Dashboard:
> 3 Informational Tips: here is your setting.
> or in german:
> 1. Arbeitsflächentyp
> 2. Dashboard
> 3. Informationen
> Hope it helps.
> Cu
> Hans

Yes! I upgraded from 4.4.4 to 4.4.95, and now I can get rid of that
useless annoyance.

Thanks for your help,


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