14th Jan 5am Seems like half the Internet is down

Don’t know about everyone else, but I’m have a right do today, loads of places just seems dead. I had a job login in to the forum too.


to mention a few. Identical responses on my box and lap. Maybe it’s isolated to my ISP? But I doubt it, they are extremely reliable.

All work with no probs here

Thanks for the reply. I’m thinking it may be ISP related. I see they have been installing new routers and they are implementing a switch to IPStream Connect.

Though on both counts - there should be no issues now. As first is listed as complete and the second is quoted as ‘no disconnections as part of the switch’.

Just for a test, try openDNS resolvers in case the ISP’s are kluged.

Not had any problems here since 0900 or so. Must be your side. I know with virgin everything slows every now and then, so could be your isp.

Durrr… it was me.

I had to re-boot my own router last night and the resore file I used was throwing the date back in the settings to year 2000.

I’m and Enta customer - FYI

Sorry folks. My mistake.:shame:

caf4926 wrote:

> Durrr… it was me.
> I had to re-boot my own router last night and the resore file I used
> was throwing the date back in the settings to year 2000.
> I’m and Enta customer - FYI
> Sorry folks. My mistake.:shame:

Don’t worry, we all do it - well I do. I’ve found the best way to find out
any stupid mistakes you’ve made is to complain that something isn’t working
and it’s all someone else’s fault. Daylight often dawns shortly after
hitting “enter”.

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy

Sounds like your isp dns servers.

Try using opendns to bypass them.