12.3 emerg mode YAST backup/restore -no removable media support?

Before I submit a bugzilla, checking with others if this is by design or something I’m overlooking…

System: openSUSE 12.3 emergency mode
Objective: Restore backup created in 12.2
Backup File Location: External USB drive.

Problem: Although external drives are recognized and fully accessible in KDE Dolphin, the drives are not mounted in /mnt or /media. The drives are visible in /dev/disk/…

Also, attempting to mount pointing to the /dev locations returns an error saying the media is already mounted.

I’m used to seeing mounted removable media in /media but the folder is empty.
Without a path to the external drives is known I cannot point YAST System Backup or Restore to the external file location.

Thankfully, if necessary the workaround for me only because I backed up only the root so the backup is small is to use dolphin to copy the backup file from the external to an internal disk location. IfI made a Full Backup and had less free space on the internal drive I’d likely be SOL.

Unless someone has another idea how to access removable media from the command prompt…


Noticed the following thread and that it relates to this

So, it looks like <after> the external drive is accessed by Dolphin, only <then> a path (not likely actual mount point) is created in


Of course, /run is volatile, deployed as a tmpfs mount.

So, this appears to be the workaround solution but only is available is a Desktop File Manager can be used to “touch” the external drive.


The mount locations now at “/var/run/media/$USER/-disk-label-or-uuid”

Check the output of “df” to see if it is mounted there.

(added in edit):

On rereading, I think you may be saying that Yast is still looking in the old location. If so, then yes that should be reported as a bug.

I’ll have to check after a reboot, but my initial investigation is that it’s not created immediately and by default (see my previous post)


Yes that seems to be the case for me as well. I had my music collection on an external drive to share between OpenSUSE and Windows. Banshee crashes after a reboot since the files can’t be located. I copied the collection to /home/[user]/music and now it works fine. The new mount points would be fine if the drives mounted durning boot. I can’t seem to find anyway to do this though.