11.4 works great in VirtualBox


In the past, I have used logical partitions to install my different distros.

This time, I decided to try Oracle’s VirtualBox again, to get away from the partitions.

What I found is that OpenSuse 11.4 installs and runs full screen without fiddling. Performance is fine. I am very impressed!

Certain other distros would not run full screen no matter what I tried.

That’s all I wanted to say.

But, if I can say that I really, really like Suse’s KDE implementation. Also, I am still adjusting to Yast and Zypper (coming from apt), but I have been able to get by so far. Plus, I guess my number one biggest problem has been getting Suse to co-exist with other distros in the logical partitions. I think my problems were that the other distros were grub2 and Suse was grub legacy. With virtualbox, this issue is moot. I briefly attempted installing 12.1 but will wait for the general release.

thanks so much for the great distro.

You could have tried to install them with vboxlive. It automatically mounts the VBoxAdditions on a second virtual CD drive. Then you just need to execute VBoxLinuxAdditions.run and you can use the VirtualBox graphics driver. It is already there in openSUSE, as you noticed.

Me too. :wink:

I had tried guest additions on other distros with often limited results. I guess with Suse, no matter how you run guest additions, they work. Thanks for the ideas.

While on the subject of virtualization, I was trying to copy one vm outside the created dir, but VB would refuse to run it, erroring out with that hex diskid. I am able to clone a vm but not copy it as I would expect. I’ve done research on this, and there does not appear to be a simple solution. I will do more research on this.

You just need to edit some paths (of course the right ones) in your ~/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml