11.3 Online Update

I just installed OpenSUSE 11.3 and would like now to install all needed updates. When I run YaST and choose Online Update I get a dialog saying:

No update repository configured yet. Run configuration workflow now?

I choose Yes.

This brings up a Registration dialog. I choose Configure Now and click Next.

An interim dialog appears and I click Continue. This launches the Mozilla Browser and the page talks about the Novell Customer Center System Registration. Blah blah blah to proceed, click the Continue button.

I click Continue and the browser closes. I’m in some kind of loop now where I cannot register because the window closes but I cannot update because I’ve not registered.

What am I supposed to do?

Thank you.


Instead of going in online update, go first in install/remove software and then click apply to install some needed packages (flash, msfonts,…) and it will also install updates.