Installed MS 7 yesterday. Fresh install on 2nd 320 GB drive. see
config below. Dual boot.
Encountered the following:
Boot menu missing on install DVD start. This has been fixed and
is supposed to be in MS8 (RC1 I guess) (Bug 599478 comment 37 and
Work around I use: when you get to menu screen with no text, press
F1, a small error box pops up, Press Enter and a text menu will
appear. to Install type Linux (per instruction). From there on the
fonts and text works fine.
Nvidia driver.{Installed hardway} (NVIDIA-Linux- [Beta]) installs after deleting the nouveau
driver thru YaST. Blacklisting it did not work. Also trying to
install thru YaST the old stable driver did not work.Dependency
SuSEupdater hangs searching for updates. Must quit it or kill
process to end it. Problably due to the update repo only having
dummy files in it?
4> Only unsolved problem is a waring message on bootup from
Syncaptick (Not sure of spelling, flashes to quick, not found in
log). Message is “Warning the system does not support touchpad
I do not have a touchpad (unless referring to numeric pad on right
side of keyboard., this is a desktop system.
Overall everything so far has been good. Did notice apache2 and
Mysql had to be manually installed.
Want to especially thank oldcpu for his answers to a thread on how
to install NVIDIA Proprietary Driver on MS7.
This must only affect some DVD installs and not all. I saw a menu when I did a DVD install.
I black listed the Nouveau driver and it DOES work (ie proprietary nVidia driver install the ‘hardway’ worked). But for blacklisting to work one needs to reboot !
> 2. Nvidia driver.{Installed hardway} (NVIDIA-Linux-
> [Beta]) installs after deleting the nouveau
> driver thru YaST. Blacklisting it did not work. Also trying to
> install thru YaST the old stable driver did not work.Dependency
> problems.
I’ll reinstall nouveau and try the reboot suggested.
> 4> Only unsolved problem is a waring message on bootup from
> Syncaptick (Not sure of spelling, flashes to quick, not found in
> log). Message is “Warning the system does not support touchpad
> configuration”.
I get this everytime I boot the system. I’ll get details next time
and report as bug.
I got rid of it by going to System Settings>Services Manager (on the advanced tab IIRC) and unticking the start-up entry. The tip was in another recent thread here.