11.3 boot errors : log ?

When I shut down or restart my computer, I can see there are some errors related to failed services (about xinetd, I think, which is NOT enable). But it scroll too fast and I cannot note them.
Sorry for the “newbie” question: how can I see the log of what happened ? (dmesg only gives log about kernel, if I’m not wrong.)

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No data means troubleshooting may be difficult. To verify a lack of
xinetd being enabled:

/sbin/chkconfig -l xinetd

Assuming everything is ‘off’ then maybe something else on your system is
waiting for it and erroring BECAUSE it is disabled. Anyway, duplicate it
in a VM and get a screenshot, or use a camera and get a picture perhaps.

Good luck.

On 07/18/2010 12:36 PM, AmigaPhil wrote:
> When I shut down or restart my computer, I can see there are some errors
> related to failed services (about xinetd, I think, which is NOT enable).
> But it scroll too fast and I cannot note them.
> Sorry for the “newbie” question: how can I see the log of what happened
> ? (dmesg only gives log about kernel, if I’m not wrong.)
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On 2010-07-18 18:36 GMT AmigaPhil wrote:

> When I shut down or restart my computer, I can see there are some
> errors related to failed services (about xinetd, I think, which is
> NOT enable). But it scroll too fast and I cannot note them.
> Sorry for the “newbie” question: how can I see the log of what
> happened ? (dmesg only gives log about kernel, if I’m not wrong.)

less /var/log/boot.msg

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Minas Tirith))

I finally noted down that the failed services were: kbd, nscd, xinetd.

The problem with xinetd is solved. Althought there were no active services, and BTW xinetd by itself was disable from Yast, the xinetd was however activated in Yast > runlevel (“yes*”). I switched it to “no”, and I no more have a xinetd service error in boot.

For kbd (note my keyboard is working fine), I might have a clue as I already had a failed service for kbd under 11.2. It seems some services are started several times at boot time. The trick was to disable RUN_PARALLEL (set to “no”) in the etc/sysconfig editor. I’ll check that later…
> Failed services in runlevel 5: kbd
> https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=335267

As for the nscd error, I don’t know yet (probably started in rulevel while not installed or not configured ?)

Thanks, but I haven’t found the “failed service” message there (or maybe I missed it ?).

As I feard, the nscd service is started from Yast > Runlevel execution, but failed because nscd is NOT installed.

I don’t know exactly what nscd is worth. Should I install it, or just disable the service ?